Deer MATRIX: Modelling And Technological Research for Intelligence eXchange
University of LeedsUnited Kingdom -
Advanced Manufacturing of a Large Scale Hydrogen Fuel Cell
University of LiverpoolUnited Kingdom -
Experimental Investigation of Singular Two-phase Pressure Losses Relevant to Nuclear System Thermal-hydraulic Applications
Bangor UniversityUnited Kingdom -
BI-RaS: Bio-inspired Radio Sensors
Aberystwyth UniversityUnited Kingdom -
Research Studentship in Battery Modelling and Performance Testing. Project: ‘The impact of thermal-mechanical-electrochemical coupling on high-rate performance of large Li-ion cells’
University of OxfordUnited Kingdom -
Federated Learning Techniques for Cross-Domain Wi-Fi Sensing in Healthcare
Coventry UniversityUnited Kingdom -
PhD Scholarship: Programme Management of Gigaprojects
University College LondonUnited Kingdom -
Mental illness and incidence of, survival from and clinical care for, colorectal Cancer
University of EdinburghUnited Kingdom -
3D imaging of brain blood flow using ultrasound
Imperial College LondonUnited Kingdom -
The design and evaluation of immersive experiences with and for the creative industries
University of BathUnited Kingdom -
Assistant Professor in Interdisciplinary Programs, Culture and Technology Studies (2-year CL)
University of GuelphAnywhere -
Organic molecular heterostructures for quantum technologies
University of BristolUnited Kingdom -
Novel Side Channels across Boundaries: Attacks and Defences
University of SouthamptonUnited Kingdom -
QD Squeezed Light for fibre-based invisible range-finding
University of BristolUnited Kingdom -
Advancing quantum machine learning experiments using high-efficiency molecular photon sources
University of BristolUnited Kingdom -
Junior Group Leader
Imagine InstituteParis, Ile-de-France (FR) -
Advanced photon-pairs sources for portable quantum networks
University of BristolUnited Kingdom -
Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Comparative Politics and an expertise on Asia
Queen's UniversityAnywhere -
Efficient interfaces for quantum light detection in large quantum information processors
University of BristolUnited Kingdom -
Tenure-Track Faculty Position – Department of Marketing
Saint Mary's UniversityAnywhere