Investigating the ecological states of phage communities and their effect on host-associated microbiomes
University of LeicesterUnited Kingdom -
Fully Funded AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Partnership (CDP) Studentship – A Practice Research Enquiry: The Materiality of Meaning Making in Art Gallery Learning
National GalleryUnited Kingdom -
Assistant Professor and NSERC Canada Research Chair T2 in Food Product and Process Design
University of GuelphAnywhere -
Exploring the interactions between host and bacterial kinase signalling networks
University of LiverpoolUnited Kingdom -
Contractually Limited Appointment (CLA) Position, Department of Health, Aging & Society
McMaster UniversityAnywhere -
CW test 01/05/24
FindA University LtdPoland -
Design of metamorphic proteins for stimuli-responsive nanomaterials
UNSW SydneyAustralia -
Assistant Professor in Printmaking One-Year Contractually Limited
University of GuelphAnywhere -
Head of R&D
New School FoodsToronto, ON -
Lead Researcher in Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Core
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital (St. Jude)Memphis, Tennessee -
PhD in Transitional DeCarbonisation Scenario Modelling for Value Chain Emissions Mitigation (TransCarb)
University of WarwickUnited Kingdom -
Assistant Professor (Advanced Manufacturing)
University of British ColumbiaAnywhere -
Innovative Nanotechnological Strategy for Drug Delivery: Metal-Organic Frameworks Nanoparticle Employed in Resistant Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Treatment.
University of GreenwichUnited Kingdom -
High Throughput Screening Scientist in Chemical Biology & Therapeutics
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital (St. Jude)Memphis, Tennessee -
PhD in Civil Engineering – Data-driven computational modelling for assessing structural integrity of civil nuclear reactors
University of GlasgowUnited Kingdom -
Decolonising the pathways between soil science agricultural policy: An exploration of the spatial-temporal linkages between historical soil and land use appraisals and development of agricultural policies in Caribbean Small Island Developing States
University of GreenwichUnited Kingdom -
5-Year iPhD Studentship, full fee waiver and stipend – Responsible Consumption
University of SussexUnited Kingdom -
Lecturer in MADISON, Wisconsin
Uncovering Non-Fluorinated materials for the Universal Repulsion of Liquids
Queen Mary University of LondonUnited Kingdom -
In vitro modelling and investigation of skin ageing and the impact of negative stimuli
Durham UniversityUnited Kingdom