83471761 Senior Expert, Support to the AfCFTA Secretariat Trade in Services Division

  • Contract
  • Ghana
  • Posted 4 months ago

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Senior Expert, Support to the AfCFTA Secretariat Trade in Services Division.

Project number/
cost centre:


0. List of abbreviations. 2

1. Context 3

2. Objectives of the Consultancy. 4

3. Scope of Work. 4

4. Tasks to be performed by the contractor. 4

5. Expected Outputs and Timelines. 5

6. Concept 6

Technical-methodological concept 6

7. Personnel concept 6

8. Costing requirements. 8

Assignment of personnel 8

Travel 8

Flexible remuneration item.. 10

9. Inputs of GIZ or other actors. 11

10. Requirements on the format of the bid. 11

11. Option. 11

Type and scope. 11

Requirements. 11

  1. List of abbreviations

AVB General Terms and Conditions of Contract (AVB local) for supplying services and work

AfCFTA African Continental Free Trade Area

AU African Union

CoM Council of Ministers

CTIS Committee on Trade in Services

EUD European Union Delegation

JD Juris Doctor

LL.M. Master of Laws

REC Regional Economic Community

SCRF Sub-Committee on Regulatory Frameworks

ToRs Terms of reference

  1. Context

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a global service provider in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development dedicated to shaping a future worth living around the world. As a public-benefit federal enterprise, GIZ supports the German Government – in particular the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) – and many public and private sector clients in achieving their objectives in international cooperation in around 120 countries.

Since 2004, GIZ has been a reliable and trusted partner of the African Union (AU) to enhance inclusive growth and sustainable development on the African continent in line with the AU’s Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want. With more than 200 staff, GIZ African Union cooperates with the AU Commission, as well as the AU’s specialised institutions and agencies, such as the Development Agency AUDA-NEPAD, at continental, regional and national level in more than 35 member states. Key areas of engagement include Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention, Governance and Migration, Sustainable Economic Growth and Employment, as well as Health and Social Development.

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is one of the flagship projects of the African Union Agenda 2063 and is expected to be a key driver for Africa to realise continental structural transformation and industrialisation, as envisaged in Agenda 2063’s shared roadmap for inclusive and sustainable growth for Africa.

The Agreement establishing the AfCFTA was signed by forty-four (44) African countries on 21 March 2018 in Kigali, Rwanda, and entered into force on 30 May 2019, following the required number of 22 ratifications. On 1 January 2021, trading under the AfCFTA was launched. As of November 2023, the AfCFTA Agreement has been signed by fifty-four (54) African countries and ratified by forty-seven (47) countries.

Trade in services negotiations are governed by the Protocol on Trade in Services (TiS) one of the legal instruments of the AfCFTA Agreement. The Protocol adopts a hybrid approach to liberalization, with commitments being undertaken by State Parties through Schedules of Specific Commitments on the one hand, and broad regulatory frameworks for cooperation on the other hand.

At the 31st Ordinary Session, the African Union Summit adopted five (5) priority services sectors (Business Services; Communication Services; Financial Services; Transport Services and Tourism and Travel-related Services, including their subsectors, with negotiations on the seven (7) additional sectors to begin afterwards. The 1st meeting of the AfCFTA Committee on TiS in January 2021 adopted a Workplan to comply with the Decision of the 13th Extraordinary Summit, regarding the conclusion of outstanding work on TiS. Considering the substantial workload, the Committee on TiS has fast-tracked the finalisation of the negotiations of Schedules of Specific Commitments (SSCs) in the five priority sectors with twenty-two (22) schedules having been adopted at the African Union Extraordinary Assembly in November 2022.

The negotiations on the schedules and the concurrent work on the development of the regulatory frameworks are still ongoing. In this regard, to facilitate the negotiations under TiS and prepare for implementation of the Protocol, the Directorate of Trade in Services, Investment, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Digital Trade, AfCFTA Secretariat is seeking technical support through a Senior Expert on Trade in Services to support its work.

  1. Objectives of the Consultancy

The objective of the consultancy is to support the Directorate of Trade in Services, Investment, Intellectual Property Rights and Digital Trade at the AfCFTA Secretariat in Accra, in the coordination of negotiations and in preparing the implementation of AfCFTA commitments and regulatory frameworks on Trade in Services.

  1. Scope of Work

The AfCFTA Secretariat would like to engage the services of a Senior Trade in Services Expert, to support the work programme on Trade in Services within the Trade in Services Division.

The principal scope of work is to facilitate and provide technical support in (i) the finalization of negotiations in the five priority services sectors, (ii) the finalization of work on regulatory frameworks, and (iii) provide any other appropriate support to the Trade in Services Division.

  1. Tasks to be performed by the contractor

The consultant is specifically expected to:

  • Support the further implementation of the AfCFTA Workplan on Trade in Services.
  • Prepare and organize TiS negotiation meetings and training sessions, e.g., by developing working and background papers or collecting data as background to TiS negotiation issues.
  • Monitoring the compliance of the offers submitted by State Parties with the AfCFTA Protocol on Trade in Services, Modalities and Guidelines for the negotiations.
  • Facilitate and provide technical and secretarial support to the Member States during TiS negotiations.
  • Maintain records of TiS meeting reports and documents in all AU languages.
  • Ensure the provision of supporting documentation for the meetings of the various levels of the TiS negotiations structure and post-meeting minutes.
  • Produce minutes and reports of TiS statutory meetings, and related events.
  • Manage the provision of appropriate conference facilities and support services for meetings of the various levels of the AfCFTA structure, including when they are virtual.
  • Maintain and disseminate an up-to-date schedule of all current and future TiS meetings on all levels of the AfCFTA structure.
  • Support management of the day-to-day activities of the Trade in Services Division within the Directorate of Trade in Services, Investment, IPR and Digital Trade at the AfCFTA Secretariat.
  • Contribute to the required periodic reports of the activities of the AfCFTA Secretariat and ensure that agreed deadlines for these reports are strictly adhered to; and
  • Any other activity as directed by the Head of Division, Trade and Services and/or the Director of Trade in Services, Investment, IPR and Digital Trade.
  1. Expected Outputs and Timelines

It is noted that the tentative timeline planned by the Secretariat may be subject to change due to circumstances beyond the consultants or Secretariat control, in which case new timelines will be coordinated as between the consultants and the Head of Division, TiS within the overall deadline of December 2025.

With reference to the foregoing activities the specific outputs are summarized below.




Prepare and organize TiS negotiation meetings and training sessions

March 2025

4 Capacity Building or stakeholder engagements have been organized

Monitoring the compliance of the offers submitted by State Parties with the AfCFTA Protocol on Trade in Services, Modalities and Guidelines for the negotiations.

May 2025

2 Narrative reports on the status of MS submission of revised offer for TiS Negotiations.

Facilitate and provide technical and secretarial support to the Member States during TiS negotiations.

August 2025

MS States have submitted 10 additional offers in the Priority Services Sectors.

Ad Hoc Support to the DTIID

September 2025

Quarterly Reports on DTIID Activities

Contribute to the required periodic reports of the activities of the AfCFTA Secretariat

October 2025

4 periodic reports of the AfCFTA Trade in Services Activities

Period of assignment: From 17.10.2024 until 17.10.2025.

  1. Concept

In the bid, the bidder is required to show how the objectives defined in Chapter 2 are to be achieved, if applicable under consideration of further specific method-related requirements (technical-methodological concept). In addition, the bidder must describe the project management system for service provision.

Technical-methodological concept

In the bid, the bidder is required to show how the objectives defined in Section 2 are to be achieved, under consideration of further technical-methodological requirements outlined below.

Strategy: The bidder is required to interpret the tasks that s/he is responsible for and provide a critical appraisal thereof (section 1.1.1 of the assessment grid). Subsequently, the bidder presents and justifies the strategy s/he intends to use to achieve the milestones and deliverables that s/he is responsible for (section 1.1.2 of the assessment grid). In the strategy, the bidder shall clearly outline how s/he will build on the previous work and existing documents mentioned above. The tenderer is required to describe its contribution to knowledge management for the partner (1.5.1) and GIZ and to promote scaling-up effects (1.5.2) under learning and innovation.

Cooperation: The bidder shall present the relevant actors relevant for the services for which s/he is responsible (section 1.2.1 of the assessment grid). The bidder is required to develop a concept that describes the cooperation with these actors (section 1.2.2 of the assessment grid). Coordination with the AfCFTA Secretariat DTIID and the GIZ Support programme to AfCFTA.

  1. Personnel concept

The bidder is required to demonstrate that (s)he is suited to filling the position described, based on his/her CV (see Chapter 0), the range of tasks involved and the required qualifications.

The specified qualifications below represent the requirements to reach the maximum number of points.

Qualifications of the expert

  • Education/training (2.1.1): At Master’s degree or higher, and its equivalent in International Trade Law and/or Policy, Social Policy and Development, Economics, International Development, International Relations, Business Administration, Regional Integration and negotiations or related field; or bachelor’s degree in the above areas with 8 years working experience in addition to the general experience required by this project.
  • Language (2.1.2):
  • Fluency in English (Corresponding to C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
  • Knowledge of another AU language (French, Portuguese, Arabic, Swahili) is an added advantage.
  • General professional experience (2.1.3): 8 years of professional experience in trade law and policy, economic policy or related domain with relevance for this assignment
  • 5 years of relevant professional experience in Trade in Services negotiations and related issues and/or regional trade agreements, business development, private sector engagement, entrepreneurship and related issues.
  • 5 years of professional experience in drafting reports, technical notes, conducting analyses preferably on Trade in Services related issues.
  • 5 years of professional experience in imparting training in the relevant fields.
  • Proficiency in one of the African Union working languages (Arabic, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish or Swahili). Knowledge of one or several other working languages would be an added advantage.
  • Excellent management and interpersonal skills, high flexibility and capacity to work under pressure.
  • Ability to work in a multi-cultural and multi-national environment.
  • Specific professional experience (2.1.4):
  • 6 years of professional experience in negotiations of trade agreements, particularly Trade in Services in Africa.
  • Experience and in-depth knowledge of Trade in Services issues globally and in the context of Africa.
  • Proven knowledge of research on Trade in Services and trade related issues.
  • Familiarity with and experience in African Union policy frameworks, institutions, and processes relevant to the trade and industry agenda; and
  • Experience of working in the African region is preferable.
  • Leadership/management experience (2.1.5): 5 years professional experience as Team Leader or Manager of a company providing consultancy services
  • Regional experience (2.1.6): African regional experience is preferred.
  • Development Cooperation (DC) experience (2.1.7): Knowledge of working with DC.
  • Other (2.1.8): not applicable
  1. Costing requirements

Assignment of personnel

Senior Expert: On-site assignment for 150 expert days


The bidder is required to calculate the travel by the specified experts and the experts it has proposed based on the places of performance stipulated in Chapter 2 and list the expenses separately by daily allowance, accommodation expenses, flight costs and other travel expenses.

For this service is required to calculate the following travel and travel related costs:

  • 1 international economy flight (Return) from the Home country to the country of Assignment (Ghana)
  • No additional travel is anticipated within the framework of this contract.
  • 130 per diems as a lump sum based on the international travel costs guideline
  • 130 accommodation allowance per expert as a lump sum based on the international travel costs guideline.
  • Per-diem and overnight accommodation allowances are reimbursed as a lump sum up to the maximum amounts permissible under tax law for each country as set out in the country table in the circular from the German Federal Ministry of Finance on travel expense remuneration (downloadable at https://www.bundesfinanzministerium.de)
  • Accommodation costs and the cost of flights and other main forms of transport outside of the country of assignment, and related to support activities for the above assignment may be reimbursed against evidence
  • All business travel must be agreed in advance by the officer responsible for the project.

Specification of Inputs:

Fee days

Number of experts

Number of days per expert



Designation of TL/key expert/short-term expert pool




Senior Expert Anticipated.

Designation of TL/key expert/short-term expert pool

Travel expenses





Per-diem allowance in country of assignment



5,980.00 €

Per Diem Outside the country of assignment as per the GIZ travel regulations. (Ghana)

Overnight allowance in country of assignment



9,620.00 €

Overnight allowance outside the country of assignment, as per the GIZ travel regulations. (Ghana)






International flights

Accra, Ghana


Travel to the place of service delivery

Domestic flights



Flights within the country of assignment during service delivery

CO2 compensation for air travel

Link to working aid and table for determining the budget and Guidance for GIZ service providers on avoiding, reducing and offsetting GHG emissions




A budget is earmarked for settling carbon offsets against evidence.

Travel expenses (train, car)

Travel within the country of assignment, transfer to/from airport etc.

Other travel expenses

e.g., visa costs

Fixed travel budget

A budget is earmarked for travel to the following countries: .

You can find further information on the travel expense budget in the ‘Price schedule’ document. Please use the ‘Explanations’ column in the price schedule to break down the individual items. Settlement is possible only until the budget is depleted.

Other costs





Flexible remuneration




A budget of EUR 5000 is foreseen for flexible remuneration. Please incorporate this budget into the price schedule.

Use of the flexible remuneration item requires prior written approval from GIZ.


The budget contains the following costs .

Please calculate a budget for workshops taking the following cost items into account:


The budget contains the following costs .

Procurement of materials and equipment

The budget contains the following costs .

Local contributions

The contractor administers the following local contributions in accordance with Section 2.7 AVB: .

Other costs

The budget contains the following costs .

Flexible remuneration item

There is a budget of EUR 3.000,00 as a flexible remuneration item, which is already set in the price schedule.

The contractor can use this budget to exceed the contractually agreed quantities up to the amount of the flexible remuneration item, considering the contractually agreed individual rates and bases for invoicing. The use of the flexible remuneration item must be approved in writing by GIZ (per email from AV) before the costs in question are incurred

  1. Inputs of GIZ or other actors

GIZ and/or other actors are expected to make the following available:

The AfCFTA Secretariat will provide access to the relevant documents key to the assignment, as well as contacts to relevant stakeholders in the Member States and other Partner Institutions.

  1. Requirements on the format of the bid

The structure of the bid must correspond to the structure of the ToRs. In particular, the detailed structure of the concept (Chapter 3) is to be organised in accordance with the positively weighted criteria in the assessment grid (not with zero). It must be legible (font size 11 or larger) and clearly formulated. The bid is drawn up in English. (language).

The complete bid shall not exceed 10 pages (excluding CVs).

The CVs of the personnel proposed in accordance with Chapter 4 of the ToRs must be submitted using the format specified in the terms and conditions for application. The CVs shall not exceed 4 pages. The CVs must clearly show the position and job the proposed person held in the reference project and for how long. The CVs can also be submitted in English (language).

If one of the maximum page lengths is exceeded, the content appearing after the cut-off point will not be included in the assessment.

Please calculate your price bid based exactly on the costing requirements. In the contract the contractor has no claim to fully exhaust the days/travel/workshops/ budgets. The number of days/travel/workshops and the budget amount shall be agreed in the contract as ‘up to’ amounts. The specifications for pricing are defined in the price schedule.

  1. Option

After the services put out to tender have been completed, important elements of these tasks can be continued or extended. Specifically:

Type and scope

Additional technical inputs may be required to deepen the work conducted under this assignment, depending on the progress of the AfCFTA DTIID work streams including on this specific consultancy. In this case, a follow-on contract for 60 days would be considered.


This option is subject to respective partner demand, satisfactory completion of the current assignment, and available funds. The decision on continuation is expected to be made in the period of August 2025.

The option will be exercised by means of a contract extension based on the prevailing terms already offered.

How to apply

Please request tender documents by writing the Processing number and subject of the tender to [email protected]

83471761 AfCFTA, Senior Expert

Tender doc includes

  1. Bidding conditions
  2. General Terms and Conditions of Contract (AVB local)
  3. Terms of Reference (ToR)
  4. Technical assessment grid
  5. Price Sheet
  6. Eligibility Self Declaration
  7. Specimen for association clause (if relevant)
  8. Extract from Act against Restraints on Competition (GWB)

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