Mission and objectives
Concerned with the security, humanitarian, human rights and political crisis in the Central African Republic and its regional implications, the Security Council authorized in April 2014 the deployment of a multidimensional United Nations peacekeeping operation, MINUSCA, with the protection of civilians as its utmost priority. Its other initial tasks included support for the transition process; facilitating humanitarian assistance; promotion and protection of human rights; support for justice and the rule of law; and disarmament, demobilization, reintegration and repatriation processes. The newly established mission subsumed the UN Integrated Peace building Office in the Central African Republic (BINUCA). MINUSCA current uniformed personnel levels stand at 11,650 military personnel and 2,080 police personnel, and are tasked with the strategic objective of creating the political, security and institutional conditions conducive to sustainably reducing the presence of — and threat posed by — armed groups. See
• Youths and Women cooperatives and association for promotion of small-scale enterprises and transformation of local production are in place.
• A network of income generation activities are encouraged and supported
• Conflict resolution committees seeking peace, mediation, dialogue and reconciliation are supported as requested in the Area of Responsibility (AOR).
• Restoration and extension of State authority: Recognized State representatives are deployed and functional in areas formerly occupied by armed groups. State institutions have the capacity (priority setting, budgeting and planning) to deliver basic social services to citizen. Participative coordination structures for recovery, development and poverty reduction in place of the AOR are achieved.
• Confidence building and support to civil society: Civil society is structured, and representatives are involved in internal and inter-provincial consultation frameworks and outreaches. Civil Society Organizations are implicated in Aid effectiveness and outreach on peace and security.
Task description
Within the framework of the mission political strategy and the its integrated plan covering the next five years, the mission has endeavored to closely working with the UN Agencies while giving focus to reconciliation but equally to activities promoting communities economic resilience and income generating activities.
Under the direct supervision of Chief Civil Affairs and his designated official in the Sector and/or Officer in Charge Civil Affairs (CA) and within delegated authority, the Associate Civil Affairs Officer will be responsible for the following duties:
• Conduct situation analysis and focus group in order to assess communities’ reconciliation needs including economic resilience activities.
• Design projects aiming at promoting small scale enterprises with an emphasis on reconciliation and social cohesion.
• Provide representation of the Mission at the local level and ensures that all relevant governmental and non-governmental actors have accurate information about the mandate and full range of operations of the Mission.
• Establish and maintain contact with representatives of local authorities, as well as civil society actors, non-governmental organizations, community representatives and representatives of local interest groups.
• Coordinate activities and initiative (across disciplines and components) with other team members to achieve consistency and synergy in mandate implementation.
• Undertake assessment of specific sectors with a view to identifying needs and priorities.
• Contribute to overall mission monitoring and planning.
• Assist in the organization of outreach activities to promote good relations and understanding between Mission’s actors and the population as well as to ensure accurate information dissemination on Mission’s role and mandate.
• Contribute to the design and management of Quick Impact Projects (QIPs) to foster confidence in the peace process and demonstrate peace dividends among the population.
• Work closely with civil society groups or institutions that promote a culture of peace and reconciliation by organizing joint initiatives such as community events.
• Assist in protecting and promoting rights of excluded and/or threatened groups through advocacy in full respect of Mission’s mandate.
• Draft daily, weekly and situation reports as required.
• Consolidate monitoring and reporting methodologies and information tools for the CA.
• Consolidate reporting and operational management tools.
• Liaise with MILOBs and substantive Sections for collection of information linked to reporting (Child Protection, Human Rights, Political Affairs, Public Information, CIVPOL…).
• Organize a physical and computerized filing and archive system of relevant information, reports and other documents received or produced by the CA: Constitute a database on civil affairs in CAR.
• Standardize the filing and archive system of the field offices.
• When working with (including supervising) national staff or (non-) governmental counterparts, the incumbent is strongly encouraged to set aside dedicated time for capacity development through coaching, mentoring and formal and on-the-job training.