GGGI - Global Green Growth Institute
The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies. To learn more please visit about GGGI web page.
- Project: Supporting Preparedness for Article 6 Cooperation (SPAR6C) Program – GIS05-03
- Duty Station: Bogotá, Colombia
- Contract Duration: 30 September 2024 – 30 April 2025 (expected)
- Consultant Level: Level 3
- Total Fees:18.000 (based on deliverable)
The Carbon Pricing Unit (CPU) of GGGI is implementing several programs related to scaling up international carbon trading, now covered by Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. By opening these markets and the resultant flow of transactions it is envisaged a robust and reliable global price for carbon can be established, something many governments and private sector actors have long called for as a way to motivate the transformational change needed to achieve the ambitious goals of Paris. GGGI’s Article 6 programs provide technical assistance and capacity building to government counterparts to improve their readiness for Article 6 engagement. These programs support the design of projects and policies for pilot transactions and strengthening of institutional frameworks required for their implementation.
The Supporting Preparedness for Article 6 Cooperation (SPAR6C) Program, funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German government, is a five year, 20M EUR program from 2022 to 2027. Its objective is to use Article 6 (A6) cooperative approaches to engage the private sector in NDC implementation and to raise ambition. This will enable cost-efficient, flexible, high integrity carbon markets with positive sustainability impacts. Transformative design of A6 pilots for real transactions of internationally transferred mitigation outcomes (ITMOs) will be enabled by research-based capacity building in four partner countries: Colombia, Pakistan, Thailand and Zambia. The program consists of six work packages, of which two are centrally managed and four are country driven. In the first two, best practice tools and approaches to implement cooperative mechanisms will be developed, underpinned by an international forum – a community of practice of Article 6 implementing countries – that brings together countries and practitioners, who share the common objective of raising ambition through markets. In-country implementation will focus on three areas of work in each of the four countries: 1) Long-term planning, 2)
institutional readiness to transact and 3) pilot design and transactions. More than eight A6 pilot programs will be implemented in Colombia, Pakistan, Thailand and Zambia based on a toolbox of innovative guidance and approaches for transformative A6 design.
The program is implemented through a consortium led by GGGI and consisting of UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre, Carbon Limits AS, GFA Consulting Group GmbH, and Kommunalkredit Public Consulting GmbH. SPAR6C is supporting Colombia in developing its institutional, regulatory, and technical framework and capacities to embark on Article 6 transactions of ITMOs during the NDC implementation period 2020-2030 of Paris Agreement.
The Supporting Preparedness for Article 6 Cooperation (SPAR6C) Program is supporting Colombia in developing its institutional, regulatory, and technical framework and capacities to embark on Article 6 transactions of ITMOs during the NDC implementation period 2020-2030. The program’s first stage has been the development of a Readiness and Needs Assessment for implementing Article 6 (RNA), which examines the country’s capacities and systems to consolidate a strategy, and guiding principles, institutional and procedural framework, and monitoring tools related to Article 6. The analysis was carried out based on secondary information registered in the NDC, the National GHG Emissions Inventory, the Biennial Update Report, and existing policies and regulations related to climate change, among others. Workshops were held with the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development –Minambiente- to identify the country’s progress in terms of regulations regarding cooperative approaches to Article 6, and what actions and activities are necessary to begin Colombia’s enlistment. To collect primary information, semi-structured interviews were conducted with relevant market actors, including the government, the private sector, and cooperation agencies.
Colombia must prepare the First Biennial Transparency Report BTR for Colombia by December 2024, where it is important to report the mitigation polices, measures and actions planned and implemented by the country to fulfil its NDC in the period 2021-2030. The Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM) is in charge of developing this report, with guidance from the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. With this context, GGGI is supporting both government entities in the construction of the BTR and is seeking an expert to support the construction of this chapter. The expert will advise and construct the report from criteria and methods defined by expert and validate by team of IDEAM, Minambiente and SPAR6C Program.
The expert must review and analyze the information and evidence to be included in the report that guarantee the international and national requirements and trends of mitigation policies, activities and measures, that indicate advances and results of these activities in the country and prepare the common reporting tables according to the standards established. In addition, this professional will provide permanent support related to requirements of BTR report following quality parameters, control, administrative and management processes implemented by organization.
GGGI, through its SPAR6C Program, is seeking a professional to generate the reporting of mitigation policies, measures, actions, and implemented and planned for the NDC in the First Biennial Transparency Report of Colombia -BTR, in support of the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology, and Environmental Studies of Colombia -IDEAM, and as an enabling condition for the preparation implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement in Colombia.
Activities: Under supervision of the GGGI Colombia Senior Officer – Policy Coordinator & SPAR6C Colombia Coordinator, the consultant will support the following activities of Article 6 preparedness and implementation in Colombia:
- Preparation of the work plan which describes activities, methodology, products and schedule. This work plan must be agreed upon with the coordinating team of the first BTR of the Environmental Studies Subdirectorate of IDEAM and the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development.
- Maintain the organization of information according to the sources of information and sectors involved in the consolidation of the subchapter of policies, measures, actions and mitigation plans of the First Biennial Transparency Report of Colombia – BTR.
- Review the modalities, procedures, guidelines and tabular formats of the Enhanced Transparency Framework for the preparation of the subchapter of policies, measures, actions and mitigation plans of the First Biennial Transparency Report of Colombia – BTR.
- Support IDEAM and the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development in defining criteria for the inclusion of mitigation measures of the NDC in Colombia’s first BTR.
- Define, in coordination with IDEAM and the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, the scope and structure of the information to be reported within the framework of the different mitigation actions, considering the different advances at the national, sectoral and regional level. This includes the definition of the formats to compilated the necessary information to report in the First Biennial Transparency Report of Colombia – BTR.
- Support the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development in the articulation with the different national, regional and sectoral entities for the compilation of information related to policies, measures, actions and mitigation plans in Colombia. The Ministry will provide all the inputs required for the consultant to carry out the tasks necessary for the support described above.
- Prepare the proposal of inputs on the state of national circumstances and institutional arrangements associated with the implementation of Colombia’s Nationally Determined Contribution NDC and mitigation policies, measures, actions and plans of Colombia’s First Biennial Transparency Report – BTR.
- Support the preparation of the subchapter on policies, measures, actions and mitigation plans of the First Biennial Transparency Report of Colombia – BTR.
- Write the proposal of the Common Reporting Tables associated with the subchapter of policies, measures, actions and mitigation plans of the First Biennial Transparency Report of Colombia – BTR.
- Organize the analyzed documentation in the filing system indicated by IDEAM and the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development.
- Participate in the different meetings that are scheduled with the coordinating team of the First Biennial Transparency Report of the Environmental Studies Subdirectorate of IDEAM and the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development.
- Maintain direct and constant communication with the coordinator of the first Biennial Transparency Report and with the other members of the IDEAM and Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development team.
- Support the preparation of the periodic progress of the first Biennial Transparency Report or the Sub-Directorate of Environmental Studies.
- Work in tandem with the GGGI team to support preparedness for Article 6 in Colombia and attend meetings required during the project.
- Support the SPAR6C program in analyzing the implications of the advances in implementation of the various mitigation measures for potential Article 6 activities with respective support.
- Carry out monthly reports of activities held through the consultancy.
The consultant will be part of the BTR drafting team, receiving technical guidance from IDEAM and content guidance from Minambiente (DCCGR). The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development will provide the information for the consultant collated from the various entities responsible for the NDC in order to compile the BTR.
The consultant will be expected to follow a highly consultative process, including organizing and leading validation calls with Minambiente and other project stakeholders. Additionally, the consultant will participate in bi-weekly meetings of the Project Team.
The consultant will develop with the technical accompaniment of GGGI and the orientation of the IDEAM, the following deliverables:
Work plan
One (1) detailed work plan (in English and Spanish) that includes at least the following aspects: management approach, activities, methods to develop, deliverables, development times, delivery times, and responsibilities. This work plan must be validated with the Subdirectorate of Environmental Studies of IDEAM and the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. -
Advance of Subchapter for the First Biennial Transparency Report BTR for Colombia and Reporting tables
One (1) draft document with the progress of subchapter as structure, policies, measures, actions and mitigation plans that evidence percentage of advance and main results obtained. -
Subchapter constructed for the First Biennial Transparency Report BTR for Colombia and Reporting Tables
One (1) draft document with the Subchapter finalized that includes all requirements of the First Biennial Transparency Report BTR with polices, measures, actions and mitigation plan and main results obtained from defined criteria. Moreover, reporting tables required for the First Biennial Transparency Report (BTR). -
Report with learned lessons on mitigation measures for potential Article 6 activities
One (1) internal document for the SPAR6C Program analyzing the implications of the current progress of implementation of NDC mitigation measures for Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. -
Library of supporting documentation
Compilation of additional documentation and material elaborated in support of the subchapter constructed for BTR with traceable documentation for the consolidation of the subchapter of policies, measures, actions and mitigation plans in conjunction with the Common Reporting Tables and a brief word document no longer than 8 pages and a PowerPoint Slide deck no longer than 5 slides summarizing the main outcomes of this consultancy. -
Compilation of evidence and systematization of information
One (1) document with the methodology report describing the step-by-step methodology for constructing the report indicating processed sources, analysis techniques and construction of the tabular results. The report includes the analysis of the interaction between reports. This product shall include a folder with the related consolidated information. -
Consultancy Summary and consolidated final report
The consultant will deliver the products according to the dates established in these terms of reference, along with their respective supports for review and technical approval of the General Directorate of IDEAM. Once the approval is obtained, it will be sent to the GGGI project leader for final approval.
[Deliverables, time and payments]
Payment |
Deliverables (*) |
Delivery Time |
Payment (%) |
Payment 1 |
D1. Work plan |
2 weeks after signing the contract |
10% |
Payment 2 |
D2. Advance of subchapter for the First Biennial Transparency Report BTR for Colombia and Reporting Tables |
4 weeks after signing the contract |
20% |
Payment 3 |
D3. Subchapter constructed for the First Biennial Transparency Report BTR for Colombia and tables Reporting |
8 weeks after signing the contract |
20% |
Payment 4 |
D4 and D5. Report with learned lessons on mitigation measures for potential Article 6 activities & Library of supporting documentation |
10 weeks after signing the contract |
20% |
Payment 5 |
D6. Compilation of evidence and systematization of information |
25 weeks after signing the contract |
20% |
Payment 6 |
D7. Consultancy Summary |
31 weeks after signing the contract |
10% |
(*) No additional travel expenses will be recognized for the execution of the consultancy
[Reporting Arrangements]
The consultancy will be supervised by GGGI Colombia Senior Officer – Policy Coordinator & SPAR6C Colombia Coordinator, to ensure the timely and quality delivery of the products described in the contractual objectives with technical orientations provided by the delegate of the Climate Change Directorate of the Ministry Of Environment and Sustainable Development, and the Global Change Coordinator at the Subdirectorate of Environmental Studies of IDEAM or her delegate, through a detailed work plan agreed upon jointly. The consultant will carry out the foreseen activities virtually, and in person when required.
Follow up of activities will be done taking as reference the agreed working plan and further amendments as agreed.
The consultant’s work progress will be monitored primarily through periodic review meetings for planning, and biweekly meetings for prioritizing activities, changing in priorities and scope of deliverables. These review meetings will tackle subjects such as overview of contractual objectives, development of activities, detailed information milestones, actual achievements made against the timeline initially settled, and any other relevant progress details. The assessments will be carried out under the guidance of GGGI staff.
The consultant will carry out the foreseen activities virtually, and attending meetings in person as agreed in the workplan and during its progress. A presence in the GGGI office of at least 20% is expected.
All products (documents with their annexes and infographics, diagrams, tables, and any graphic developed to facilitate understanding of technical contents) will be delivered in digital media, in open files that allow their edition.
In terms of language, all reports and deliverables be in Spanish and those related to the BTR must follow the format requirements of the BTR. The first deliverable (work plan) and an executive summary (2-3 pages a word document and 5-slides PowerPoint document) at the end of the consultancy must be presented in both languages Spanish and English.
The consultant must submit monthly progress reports in GGGI’s standard template.
- All relevant technical documents, reports and other documents prepared from the beginning to the end of the consultancy will be attached to the Final Report.
[Suggested Methodology]
The consultant is expected to have biweekly interactions with the Senior Officer, Policy Coordinator and GGGI SPAR6C Colombia Project. The consultant will be asked to report progress in relation to contractual objectives, activities, and milestones during the meeting. The consultant shall support the GGGI team in internal and donor reports on the topics of the consultancy. The consultant shall communicate any proposed deviation from the Workplan to the GGGI supervisor, including as a result of changes requested by the Ministry or IDEAM. Changes in the workplan could be agreed as a result between GGGI and the consultant.
Before submitting each deliverable, the consultant will be expected to share and circulate a draft version of the document with the GGGI Project Manager, allowing at least two weeks to receive comments and feedback. Submission of final deliverables must include a clean version as well as a tracked changes version (for MS Word documents) which includes responses to comments received.
The consultant must comply with the following requirements:
- (REQUIRED) Colombian citizen or foreign resident with a valid work visa.
- (REQUIRED) Undergraduate studies in administrative sciences (Business Administration, Public Administration, or similar); environmental sciences (Biology, Ecology, or similar), Forestry Engineering, Environmental Engineering, or Political Science, Communication or Journalism.
- (REQUIRED) Postgraduate degree in environmental sciences, engineering, climate change, or project management.
- (REQUIRED) Professional experience of five (5) years in environmental issues.
- (REQUIRED) At least two (2) years in processing, data analysis, or preparation of technical documents and reports related to environmental issues, sustainability, GHG mitigation actions, or greenhouse gases.
- (DESIRABLE) Field experience and context understanding of environment and development institutions, bottlenecks, issues, and policies at the national and local levels.
- Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)
- Exceptional analytical and quantitative skills; capacity for synthesis, presentation, and communication; and strategic thinking skills.
- Organized with excellent time management and attention to detail.
- Strong and mature interpersonal skills and proven ability to work with teams.
- Ability to work well under pressure and have a flexible approach to tasks given.
- Strong command of spoken and written English and Spanish.
- Permission to work legally in Colombia is required
- The closing date is Korea Standard Time (KST). Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered. The cover letter and CV must be submitted in English.
- A consortium or a company cannot be hired for the assignment of an individual consultant.
- GGGI evaluates applications based on eligibility requirements, relevance of academic study, work experience and the level of interest and motivation to contribute to GGGI’s goals. If your application is successful, you will be asked to participate in a competency-based interview.
To help us track our recruitment effort, please indicate in your cover/motivation letter where ( you saw this job posting.