Consultant to conduct a Study on the Role of Religious and Traditional Actors (including women and youth) in peacebuilding in Sub-Saharan Africa

Terms of Reference

Date of issue: 6th November 2024

Project title: Research on the Role of Religious and Traditional Leaders in peacebuilding in Sub-Saharan Africa

Contracting authority: Finn Church Aid (FCA), Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers (the Network), Helsinki

  1. Introduction

In recent years, increasing attention has been directed toward the role of religious and traditional leaders in preventing violence and promoting peace in Sub-Saharan Africa[1]. These leaders have considerable influence not only within their own constituencies, but also over public opinion more broadly. They therefore often serve as insider mediators – figures who are trusted due to their cultural, religious, or social proximity to the parties involved in conflict.[2] Despite their clear impact, religious and traditional leaders are often engaged in peace processes in an ad-hoc or cursory manner that does not leverage their full potential.[3] Moreover, their strategic inclusion in formal peace processes, especially at Track 1 (high-level negotiations) and Track 2 (bridging civil society and state actors), remains underexplored and underutilized, underscoring the need to examine how they could be more effectively engaged in peace processes across the three tracks.

This focus is especially urgent when considered within the current conflict landscape in Sub-Saharan Africa. The region is experiencing a period of profound socio-political transformation, characterized by governance crises, shifting power dynamics, and widespread social unrest. These trends have been accompanied by a surge in violent extremism and exacerbating resource conflicts resulting from the global race for critical minerals needed for the green energy transition and the escalating impacts of climate change. Additionally, new global actors such as Russia and China have become progressively more influential, pursuing economic and geopolitical interests that add further complexity to local conflict dynamics. In this context, traditional international peacebuilding systems, characterized by multilateral institutions and “Big Men” diplomacy, are increasingly seen as insufficient to address the multifaceted nature of contemporary conflicts.[4]

Religious and traditional leaders offer a unique form of legitimacy and influence that can bridge the divide between grassroots initiatives and more formal negotiation spaces. They have the potential to foster trust and dialogue where more formal actors may not be able to reach, yet their role remains largely untapped in high-level peace processes.

Against this backdrop, the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers (the Network) is seeking a consultant to conduct a study on how religious and traditional leaders can be more strategically engaged in cross-track peace processes, leveraging their influence from grassroots community levels to impact formal peacebuilding spaces. The study will involve a desk review, field research in 2-3 selected countries, qualitative data analysis, and the preparation of a research report. Findings will be presented at key dissemination events to inform the Network’s planning and advocacy efforts. The consultancy will take place between November 2024 and April 2025.

  1. Background info on FCA

The Network is hosted by Finn Church Aid (FCA), the largest Finnish international aid organization. We operate in 13 countries, where the needs are most dire. We work with the poorest people, regardless of their religious beliefs, ethnic background or political convictions. Our work is based on rights, which means that our operations are guided by equality, non-discrimination and responsibility. For more information, please visit

  1. Background info on the Network requesting the services

The Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers (the Network) was founded in 2013 as a concrete response to the growing awareness among peace mediation organizations and the United Nations, that religious and traditional actors are vital, but underutilized, actors in peacemaking processes. Since its founding, the Network has grown into a community of peacemakers ranging from grassroots religious and traditional actors to international NGOs, think tanks, and academic institutions. The Network strengthens peacemaking through collaboratively supporting the positive role of religious and traditional actors in peacebuilding processes and through connecting them to national and international peace builders. Since its founding, the Network Secretariat has been hosted by Finn Church Aid (FCA), Finland’s largest development agency and provider of humanitarian aid while the steering body of the Network, the Core Group, consist of variety of actors from UN Agencies to Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Religions for Peace and KAICIID Dialogue Center.

  1. Objectives

The overarching objective of this study is to deepen the understanding of the evolving roles of religious and traditional leaders in preventing violence, building peace, and navigating governance crises across Sub-Saharan Africa. By collecting and analyzing qualitative data, the study aims to provide evidence of the roles and impact these leaders have in peacebuilding efforts and identify strategies to harness their contributions more effectively at different levels.

The specific objectives of the study are as follows:

  • Explore how religious and traditional leaders are viewed by, and engaged with, both as grassroots actors (civil society and youth movements) and high-level peacebuilding actors, and how their contributions to cross-track peacebuilding can be more effectively harnessed.
  • Identify the challenges and opportunities that religious and traditional leaders, including women and youth, face in balancing their roles as both community actors and political intermediaries within the contemporary conflict landscape.
  • Generate insights that can inform national, regional, and international policies on peacebuilding and be used to advocate for greater inclusion of religious and traditional leaders, including women and youth, in peace processes across the tracks.
  • Provide data and recommendations that can guide the development of the Network’s strategic planning for the 2026-2030 period.
  1. Scope of work

The consultant will be expected to undertake the following tasks:

  • Inception Phase and Desk Review:
    • Conduct an inception meeting with the Network to finalize the research framework, methodology, and key deliverables.
    • Perform a comprehensive desk review of existing literature and studies on the role of religious and traditional leaders in preventing violence and building peace in Sub-Saharan Africa.
    • Review relevant policy frameworks, including those related to the WPS and YPS agendas, to contextualize the study within broader peacebuilding policy discussions.
    • Identify key gaps in the existing research and highlight areas where this study can contribute new insights
  • Field Research Design and Preparation
    • In dialogue with the Network, select 2–3 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa for field research.
    • Design a field research plan, including developing interview protocols and other data collection tools that will be used to gather qualitative data.
    • Identify and coordinate with local Network partners to facilitate fieldwork and ensure access to relevant stakeholders.
  • Field Research and Data Collection
    • Conduct fieldwork in the selected countries, gathering qualitative data through Key Informant Interviews (KIIs).
    • Document key success stories and case studies that illustrate the impact of religious and traditional leaders in peace processes across various tracks (Track 1, Track 2, and Track 3).
    • Ensure gender and youth inclusivity in the data collection process, capturing the experiences, challenges, and contributions of women and youth leaders.
  • Qualitative Data Analysis
    • Perform coding and analysis of the qualitative data collected during the fieldwork to identify key themes.
    • Compare findings across the selected countries.
    • Analyze the data in relation to the broader conflict resolution landscape.
  • Synthesis and Report Writing
    • Synthesize the findings from the desk review, field research, and data analysis into a comprehensive report that addresses the study’s objectives.
    • Conduct 1-2 rounds of revisions based on feedback from internal and external peer reviewers.
    • Collaborate with Network and other relevant stakeholders to respond to editorial queries in the final phase of the production process.
  • Dissemination and Final Presentation
    • Prepare a presentation of the key findings and recommendations.
    • Participate in a final dissemination workshop or webinar to share the study’s findings with relevant stakeholders.
  1. Deliverables

The consultant will be responsible for delivering the following outputs throughout the consultancy period:

  • An inception report outlining the research framework, methodology, and field research plan.
  • A desk review summarizing key literature and identifying research gaps.
  • A field research plan and tools for fieldwork in 2–3 selected Sub-Saharan African countries, including interview guides and suggested key informants.
  • A draft report synthesizing the findings from the desk review, field research, and data analysis.
  • A final report revised based on feedback from the Network and key stakeholders.
  • A presentation summarizing the key findings and recommendations of the study.
  1. Duration of contract

The duration of this contract is 7 months (1 December 2024 – 30 June 2025).

  1. Duty station

The consultant will be working remotely. Travel is expected.

  1. Transport & Logistics

FCA will provide field transport, accommodation, and logistical support for the consultant during field visits.

  1. Methodology
  • The consultant will strictly follow the work plan and the time schedule agreed with FCA and the Network during the planning phase.
  • The consultant will report to the Regional Programme Manager – Africa
  • The position includes immediate results and ability to meet targets.
  • Project work includes pressing deadlines that can cause stress.
  • Working in a global team.
  • Availability to work exceptional /unpredictable hours.
  • Working in a location where there is no FCA infrastructure and under remote supervision.
  • Very proactive interaction in hugely multicultural and global environment.
  • Contribute to the global work of the Network Secretariat.
  • Frequent communication with the project partners on overall management of the project.
  • Liaise with FCA and Network on project administration and finances.
  • Communicate directly with the participants and speakers of the events.
  • Communication with project donor, national and local authorities.
  1. Budget

The total indicative budget is EUR 21,000 (excluding 24% VAT to be paid to the Finnish government by FCA). This is the maximum amount available and the awarded amount will be dependent on the skills and experience of the selected candidate. Candidates are responsible for covering their own taxes to their respective governments.

  1. Timetable

Inception report & desk review- 15 January 2025

Field research plan and tools- 20 January 2025

Interim report of field research findings – 30 March, 2025

Draft report submitted for review- 31 April 2025

Second draft submitted (following edits and comments from Network and other staff)- 15 May 2025

Presentation of findings- 20 May 2025

Final draft submitted- 31 May 2025

  1. Payment Modalities

The payments will be processed upon completion of the following milestones:

  • Signing of contract: 50%
  • Completion of deliverable 9: 50%
  1. Required Expertise and Qualification
  • Advanced degree (PhD) in peace and conflict studies, development studies, sociology, anthropology, religious studies, or a related social science field.
  • A minimum of 5 years of professional experience in conflict transformation, peacebuilding and/or interreligious dialogue.
  • Strong qualitative research skills, preferably in conflict-affected regions.
  • Proficiency in data analysis and the ability to synthesize findings from multiple sources into comprehensive reports.
  • In-depth knowledge of Sub-Saharan Africa, including understanding of root causes of conflict and familiarity with the region’s religious landscape.
  • Extensive knowledge of gender dynamics, particularly in peacebuilding and mediation.
  • Exceptional writing skills, with the ability to produce high-quality reports and publications.
  • Proven problem-solving skills and strategic planning capability with creativity.
  • Strong attention to detail, ensuring accuracy and thoroughness in all aspects of work.
  • Fluency in oral and written English and excellent communication skills.
  • Sound organizational skills and initiative to proactively manage work.
  • Ability to meet deadlines under pressure.
  • Ability to work remotely and with a diverse team across the globe.
  1. Terms of Contract
  • Confidentiality – Highlight any confidentiality concern

  • The consultant is expected to use own computer and other equipment required for the works.

  • The consultant will have to abide by FCA Code of Conduct.

  • By submitting a proposal, the candidate confirms to abide by FCA Code of Conduct, Child

    Safeguarding Policy and Data Policy Agreement.

  • The ownership and copyright(s) of the report(s) and any other produced material will remain with FCA.

  • The Contracting authority may for its own convenience and without charge or liability cancel the contracting process at any stage.

  1. Contract Award Criteria

The offers will be evaluated according to the contract award criteria below:

  1. Cover letter + CV (40%)- Education (PhD), experience conducting research, contextual experience of Africa and working on peacebuilding with faith actors.
  2. Research example (40%)- Quality of research, methodology, subject matter relevance.
  3. Financial score (20%)- Lowest bid receives highest score. Other candidates’ scores are calculated proportionally based on the lowest bid.
  4. Evaluation Process

The evaluation process is managed by FCA’s Procurement Committee. Candidates will be evaluated according to the contract award criteria.

  1. Application Procedure

Deadline for submission of offers is 17:00 EAT on 27th November, 2024. Candidates must send their offers via email to no later the deadline as mentionedabove. Any tenders received the deadline will not be considered.

Interested bidders should write to the email above to receive the complete tender dossier.

Candidates must put Consultant – Research on Religious and Traditional Leaders in the subject line of their emails.

No tender may be changed or withdrawn after the deadline has passed.

The candidate shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the offer and the Contracting Authority will in no case be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the procurement process.


Candidates are not allowed to approach the Contracting Authority for verbal clarification.

Any prospective candidate seeking to arrange individual meetings with either the Contracting Authority and/or any other organisation with which the Contracting Authority is associated or linked may be excluded from the tender procedure.

Candidates may submit questions in writing via email to the address above latest three days before the deadline.

  1. Terms of Contract

  • Confidentiality – Highlight any confidentiality concern
  • The consultant is expected to use own computer and other equipment required for the works.
  • The consultant will have to abide by FCA Code of Conduct.
  • By submitting a proposal, the candidate confirms to abide by FCA Code of Conduct, Child Safeguarding Policy and Data Policy Agreement.
  • The ownership and copyright(s) of the report(s) and any other produced material will remain with FCA.
  • The Contracting authority may for its own convenience and without charge or liability cancel the tender process at any stage.

Documents comprising the procurement

The candidate shall complete and submit the following documents with his tender:

i. 1-3 page CV

ii. 1 page cover letter

iii. Financial Proposal

iv. Example of research study which the candidate has authored or co-authored

[1]See e.g. Kilonzo, S: M., Chitando, E. & Tarusarira, J. (eds) (2023). The Palgrave Handbook of Religion, Peacebuilding, and Development in Africa. London: Palgrave MacMillan; Ludovic, SJ, L. T. (2021). Religion and peacebuilding in Sub-saharan Africa. The State of Peacebuilding in Africa: Lessons Learned for Policymakers and Practitioners, pp.47-64.

[2] UNDP (2020). Engaging with Insider Mediators: Sustaining peace in an age of turbulence.

[3]Bramble, A., Kadayifci-Orellana, S. A., & Paffenholz, T. (2023). Religious Actors in Formal Peace Processes. USIP Press.

[4]Schraml, C. & Vimalarajah, L. (2023). Under Crossfire: The Courageous Work of Women-Faith Based Mediators to Prevent, Mitigate and Resolve Violent Conflicts. The Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers.

How to apply

Deadline for submission of offers is 17:00 EAT on 27th November, 2024. Candidates must send their offers via email to no later the deadline as mentionedabove. Any tenders received the deadline will not be considered.

Interested bidders should write to the email above to receive the complete tender dossier.

Finn Church Aid (FCA) is Finland’s largest development co-operation organisation and the second biggest organisation in Finland working in humanitarian aid. FCA is a founding member of the international aid alliance of churches, the ACT Alliance. We seek positive change by supporting the most vulnerable people in fragile contexts. We specialize in supporting local communities’ right to peace, livelihoods and quality education. Qualified and interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic affiliation are encouraged to apply for the vacancy.

FCA practices zero tolerance on sexual exploitation and abuse, including child abuse in all forms. FCA has zero tolerance concerning aid diversion and illegal actions, and may screen applicants against international lists to ensure due diligence and compliance with Anti-money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism requirements.

To help us track our recruitment effort, please indicate in your email/cover letter where ( you saw this job posting.

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