Field Associate – LoCAL (NPSA6)

United Nations Capital Development Fund

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General Assembly Resolution 2186 (XXI) decided to “bring into operations the United Nations Capital Development Fund as an organ of the General Assembly which shall function as an autonomous organization of the United Nations. The UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) assists developing countries, especially least developing countries, in the development of their economies by supplementing existing sources of capital assistance by means of grants, loans, and guarantees. UNCDF’s vision is to help mobilize and catalyze an increase of capital flows for SDG impactful investments to Member States to address the most pressing development challenges facing vulnerable communities in these countries and thereby contribute to sustainable economic growth and equitable prosperity.
UNCDF utilizes its unique capability in the UN system to deploy grants, loans and guarantees to crowd-in finance for the scaling of development impact. UNCDF focuses on where the needs are greatest, a deliberate focus and capability rooted in UNCDF’s unique investment mandate to support the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the realization of the Doha Programme of Action for the least developed countries, 2022–2031.
As per its Strategic Framework, UNCDF works to deploy its functions as a hybrid development organization and development finance institution. UNCDF responds to Member States requests for assistance by providing targeted technical and financial advisory services on investments for development outcomes, designing bespoke financial structuring solutions, undertaking financial derisking of investments, and enhancing investment readiness of SDG aligned projects in partnership with private sector, UNOs, International and Local Finance Institutions, Development Finance Institutions as well as Foundations and Philanthropy, among others. UNCDF works to develop local financial systems, new markets and mobilize and crowd in capital from public and private sources. UNCDF is driven by a partnership mindset which enables it to deploy its different capital capabilities in highly tailored and responsive ways in order to mobilize investments flows from other sources, in particular from the private sector.  By structuring transactions which are highly impactful, but also recognize the need for multiplying the impact of its own capital, UNCDF seeks to position itself as a preferred partner for different stakeholders.  UNCDF’s work is focused on six priority areas, including:

•                     Sub-national and local infrastructure financing
•                     Women-owned enterprise financing
•                     Nature and climate financing
•                     Energy and decarbonization finance
•                     Sustainable food systems financing
•                     Inclusive digital finance

Following a recent restructuring, UNCDF’s organizational set up includes an Investment and Implementation Division (IID), Investment and Finance Oversight Division (IFOD), Operations and Oversight Division (OOD) and a Directorate of the Executive Office. UNCDF staff and personnel are located in regional hubs based in Dakar (Senegal), Nairobi (Kenya) and Bangkok (Thailand) with sub-regional presence in a number of locations in the Caribbean and Pacific Regions. UNCDF is led by an Executive Secretary based out of New York, USA. Pursuant to General Assembly resolution 2321(XXII, para 1.a), the Administrator of the UNDP performs the function of the Managing Director of UNCDF. UNCDF is overseen by the Executive Board of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and performs the function of the Executive Board of UNCDF.

The United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) makes public and private finance work for the poor in the world’s 46 least developed countries. With its capital mandate and instruments, UNCDF offers “last mile” finance models that unlock public and private resources, especially at the domestic level, to reduce poverty and support local economic development.

The Local Climate Adaptive Living Facility (LoCAL) is a mechanism to integrate climate change into local authorities’ planning and budgeting through the regular intergovernmental fiscal transfer system using performance-based grants in a participatory and gender sensitive manner, increase awareness and capacities to respond to climate change at the local level including through ecosystem-based solutions, and increase the quality and number of local investments that address climate change. LoCAL combines performance-based climate resilience grants (PBCRGs), which ensure programming and verification of change expenditures at the local level, with technical and capacity-building support. It uses the grants and demonstration effect to trigger further flows for local climate action including global climate finance and national fiscal transfers. LoCAL also aims to support private finance for small and medium businesses and municipal finance and public-private partnerships. LoCAL is currently active in 17 countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, with another 13 countries preparing to join (at the design stage).

In Lesotho, UNCDF signed a Memorandum of Understading (MoU) with the Ministry of Local Government, Chieftainship, Home Affairs and Police (MoLGCHP) and the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MoFDP) in 2027, to deploy LoCAL in four community councils in the district of Mohale’s Hoek (i.e. Khoelenya, Lithipeng, Qhoasing and Senqunyane). LoCAL Lesotho aims to increase the resilience of communities and local economies across the country, through regular, predictable, systemic and verifiable climate finance in support of local climate responses. It contributes to the following outcomes and outputs:
1. Increased transfer of climate finance to local governments through national institutions and systems for building verifiable climate change adaptation and resilience
2. A standard and recognized country-based mechanism that supports direct access to international climate finance (Board decision).

1. Awareness and capacities to respond to climate change adaptation are increased at central and sub-national levels;
2. Climate change adaptation is integrated into Community Council plans and budgets and climate change adaptation interventions and investments are implemented in line with the PBCRG system.
3. An effective performance-based climate resilience grant system (financial mechanism) is deployed in Lesotho and operational for additional funding.

Eligible investments may range from climate smart agriculture activities, sustainable livestock production, improved irrigation and water systems, flood control systems, to climate-proof infrastructure, sustainable land management, forestry, disaster risk reduction, climate information technologies, health, education, energy, and so forth.

Two Performance-Based Climate Resilience Grant (PBCRG) cycles were completed from April 2020 to March 2023, with sixteen water supply infrastructures and one range management projects implemented in the four community councils. The quality of lives was improved for 6,000 households through provision of clean potable water for household consumption. The district team and community councils’ capacity and awareness on climate change adaptation, participatory planning, public financial management (PFM), monitoring and reporting were improved.
The pilot phase expanded to 2024/2025 with six additional councils (Tenesolo, Menkhoaneng, Seate, Makhoalipane, Kubake and Metsimaholo) in 5 districts Mokhotlong, Thaba Tseka, Mafeteng, Maseru and Leribe, resulting from the partnership established in 2022, between Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the United Nation Capital Development Fund’s (UNCDF), for the use of Local Climate Adaptive Living (LoCAL) mechanism and its Performance-based Climate Resilience Grant (PBCRGs) system in support of Integrated Catchment Management (ICM) Programme in Lesotho. The partnership aims to support the Government of Lesotho align the ICM financing with the decentralization process in Lesotho through the LoCAL mechanism. More specifically, UNCDF provides technical assistance and capacity building support to 6 target community councils on LoCAL and its PBCRG system, using the existing intergovernmental fiscal transfer system, as well as undertake independent annual performance assessments of the target community councils and provide quality.

Within this programme context, UNCDF is seeking a Local Field Associate, NPSA to contribute to the effective delivery of the Programme’s activities in Lesotho
Duties and Responsibilities

Within the delegated authority and under the supervision of the National Coordinator, the Local Field Associate will have the following key functions.

Summary of key functions:

  1. Support the implementation and results-based monitoring of the LoCAL’s field activities;
  2. Provide programme support to subnational government counterparts and key stakeholders;
  3. Administrative support to the implementation of project activities;
  4. Support effective mainstreaming of gender equality and community participation;
  5. Support facilitating knowledge sharing and communication.

Support the implementation and results-based monitoring of the LoCAL’s field activities

  • Support implementation of LoCAL activities in the field in line with AWP and support the preparation of periodic technical and financial reports on the implementation of LoCAL activities and undertake regular monitoring of the activities, including through field visits;
  • Assist target LGs to understand the LoCAL’s objectives and effectively support them in the management, implementation and monitoring of performance-based climate resilience grants and activities/interventions/investments and propose improvements through reviewed work plans;
  • Support the preparation and participate and contribute to the annual performance assessment of pilot CCs;
  • Regular monitoring of the progress of target LGs in implementation of the LoCAL and its PBCRGs, in line with Design Document and applicable government’s regulations and procedures.

Provide programme support to subnational government counterparts and key stakeholders

  • Under the guidance of the Lesotho Meteorological Services (LMS), support target LGs to collect and interpret climate-related data and information, as well as undertake local climate risk assessments, and to mainstream climate change into local public planning and budgeting systems;
  • Under the guidance of the National Coordinator and MoLGC, support capacity building (“learning by doing”) and preparation of local government development and investment plans and budgets that foster inclusive and climate resilient local economies and communities.

Administrative support to the implementation of project activities

  • Participate in planning and organization of trainings/events facilitating the wide representation and full participation of local stakeholders by following UNCDF rules and regulations and ensuring gender equality;
  • Assist in the organization of field visits, missions, conferences and other logistics arrangements;
  • Support LGs to collect and compile expenditure reports and other related financial documents, as required;
  • Arrange meetings and draft routine correspondence, minutes including preparing background materials for discussions and briefing sessions.

Support effective mainstreaming of gender equality and community participation

  • Support LGs in ensuring gender equality and participation of communities throughout the PBCRG cycle, in particular during the local adaptation planning process;
  • Ensure that all the data, when collecting and compiling inputs relating to programme, are gender disaggregated.

Support facilitating knowledge sharing and communication

  • Support and facilitate consultation and exchange of information, synergies, learning and know-how at the local level, in particular in relation with partners and stakeholders involved with LoCAL expected results, especially Output 1 – “Awareness and capacities to respond to climate change adaptation are increased at central and subnational levels” and Output 2 – “Climate change adaptation is integrated into Community Council plans and budgets, and climate change adaptation interventions and investments are implemented in line with the PBCRG”;
  • Support the knowledge and communication efforts of LoCAL in Lesotho (i.e. LoCAL stories, news articles, photos, videos, social media presence, country webpage and web presence, as appropriate) with support and guidance from Lead LoCAL communication expert;
  • Perform any other related duties as required by supervisor/ management or guided by the LoCAL Steering Committee and other key stakeholders;
  • Additional information on LoCAL can be found here

Institutional Arrangement

The Field Associate will be based in Maseru, Lesotho and will support the District Technical Team and Community Councils with the overall implementation of PBCRG mechanism at the sub-national level.

The Field Associate will have direct report to the LoCAL-Lesotho National Coordinator, NOC based in Maseru, and works under the overall coordination of the LoCAL Global Programme Manager, P-5, based in Kampala, Uganda as well as works in close collaboration with other LTF and LoCAL colleagues in the regional office/HQ based and country and across the region.

The Field Associate will also will work under the overall coordination of the Programme Specialist and Programme Manager.

In carrying out his/her work, the Field Associate will work in close collaboration with the Ministry of Local Government and Chieftainship (MoLGC), the District Council Secretary, District Technical Team, Community Councils and other LoCAL stakeholders.

  • Achieve Results: Level 1: Plans and monitors own work, pays attention to details, delivers quality work by deadline.
  • Think Innovatively: Level 1: Open to creative ideas/known risks, is pragmatic problem solver, makes improvements
  • Learn Continuously: Level 1: Open minded and curious, shares knowledge, learns from mistakes, asks for feedback
  • Adapt with Agility:  Level 1: Adapts to change, constructively handles ambiguity/uncertainty, is flexible
  • Act with Determination: Level 1: Shows drive and motivation, able to deliver calmly in face of adversity, confident
  • Engage and Partner: Level 1: Demonstrates compassion/understanding towards others, forms positive relationships
  • Enable Diversity and Inclusion: Level 1: Appreciate/respect differences, aware of unconscious bias, confront discrimination
Cross-Functional & Technical competencies 
Business Development
  • Knowledge Facilitation: Ability to animate indididuals and communities of contributors to participate and share, particularly externally
  • Human- centered Design: Ability to develop solutions to problems by involving the human perspective in all steps of the problem-solving process
Business Management
  • Communication: Ability to communicate in a clear, concise and unambiguous manner both through written and verbal communication; to tailor messages and choose communication methods depending on the audience
2030 Agenda: Planet; Nature, Climate and Energy
  • Climate Change Policies: Governance / integrated planning for climate change investments
  • Climate Change Adaptation: strategies
Required Skills and Experience
  • Completion of secondary level education with specialized certification is required.
  • A Bachelor’s degree in climate change, environment, development, international relations, geography, engineering, agronomy or a related field is desirable..
  • Minimum six years (Secondary Education) or 3 years (Bachelor’s degree) of experience in climate change and/or environment related issues;
  • At least two 2 years of work experience supporting local governments and/or communities in the area of climate change adaptation planning and mainstreaming;
  • Practical knowledge and experience in monitoring and evaluation;
  • Practical knowledge and experience with planning and budgeting processes, preferably with local government authorities and/or communities;
  • Practical experience with training and capacity building activities;
  • Collaborative work approach and strong teamwork skills;
  • Good negotiation and facilitation skills;
  • Excellent oral and written skills; excellent drafting, formulation, reporting skills;
  • Accuracy and professionalism in document production and editing;
  • Excellent interpersonal skills; culturally and socially sensitive; ability to work inclusively and collaboratively with a range of partners, including grassroots community members, religious and youth organizations, and authorities at different levels; familiarity with tools and approaches of communications for development;
  • Ability to work and adapt professionally and effectively in a challenging environment; ability to work effectively in a multicultural team of international and national personnel;
  • Solid overall computer literacy, including proficiency in various MS Office applications (Excel, Word, PowerPoint etc.) and email/internet; familiarity with database management; and office technology equipment;
  • Self-motivated, ability to work with minimum supervision; ability to work with tight deadlines;
  • Experience with a UN organization/agency is desirable.

Required Language(s)

  • Fluency in English is required.
  • Proficiency in national languages is required especially Sesotho.
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