National Consultant to carry out SMS Assessment in Bauchi state and at the National level. (Remote – 200 working days)

  • Contract
  • Nigeria
  • Posted 10 months ago

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In Nigeria, UNICEF works in a complex humanitarian and development setting to fulfill and protect children’s rights in partnership with government, civil society, children, and families.  UNICEF Nigeria is one of the largest UNICEF Country Offices globally – click the link to learn more about UNICEF in Nigeria:

Organizational Context and Purpose for the job

The development of a robust system for programme monitoring and evaluation within the WASH sector in Nigeria has been one of the overarching issues driving reforms in the sector. Diverse efforts have been made towards actualising this goal, some of which include: the development of a National Framework on Sector Monitoring and Evaluation by the Federal Ministry of Water Resources and Sanitation (FMWRS); development of a National Protocol for Monitoring and Reporting and development of WASH Information Management System (WASHIMS) for sector data management, planning and decision-making support; institutionalization of the WASH Outcome Routine Monitoring (WASH NORM) bi-annual survey exercise, intended to regularize, harmonize and improve the quality of sector data; Sector-wide Sustainability Checks (SWSC) which provides data and analysis on the actual sustainability of WASH services in the sector over time.

Status of Sanitation Sector: The Clean Nigeria Campaign (CNC) sets out an ambitious agenda for an open defecation free (ODF) country by 2025. As a principal WASH partner, UNICEF is supporting the Government of Nigeria (GoN) to accelerate coverage. UNICEF’s successful assistance to Nigeria has led to one state (Jigawa state) achieving ODF status, another (Katsina state) on the cusp of being declared ODF, and several more, including Benue, Bauchi, Cross River and Kano states, having made considerable progress in achieving many ODF local government areas (LGAs) within their states. Despite this progress, access stands at 23 percent practicing open defecation and 46 per cent for basic sanitation services. and only 18 per cent is considered safely managed1. Furthermore, up to 172 million people (18 percent of the population) still lack access to safely managed services (SMS). With less than 7 years to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 6.2, Nigeria is alarmingly off-track to provide SMS services for all by 2030.

To achieve the SDG 6.2 requires detailed understanding and regular monitoring of the status of sanitation services across the sanitation service value chain including ensuring safe containment, treatment and disposal of excreta in situ and proper emptying and treatment of excreta off-site. This is critical as several risks and disease transmission/exposure pathways exist across the service chain, which if left unaddressed poses serious health threats to the population, including cholera epidemics. As part of the countries scale-up efforts, the country is focusing on climate-resilient sanitation programming towards LGA-wide inclusive and sustainable safely managed sanitation. Consequently, it was realized that the WASH sector is suffering from lack of current, reliable and readily available SMS data beyond containment and at subnational levels to address the real needs of achieving SDG 6.2. The key sector monitoring systems -WASH NORM and SWSC – do not adequately track services beyond containment. There is need to integrate expanded indicators for SMS in existing monitoring systems and frameworks which will enable states to monitor SMS services across the sanitation service chain. Also, in view of the country’s shift towards SMS and require FSM assessments and monitoring that will be carried out across the states, the WASHIMS platform will need to be updated and streamlined to serve as a robust system for monitoring and reporting on access to safely managed sanitation services across the country. Given this is a new area for national and state-level monitoring, it is proposed that a pilot expanded assessment be carried out in one state-Bauchi with methodologies adapted and integrated into the national WASH NORM IV exercise.

Bauchi State SMS Assessment Bauchi state is implementing ODF campaign drive and LGAs including Dass and Warji were among the first to become ODF in Nigeria. Despite the remarkable success of the ODF campaign in certain LGAs, such as Dass and Warji, which achieved ODF status since 2017, a significant problem has emerged: the need for a safely managed Faecal Sludge Management (FSM) system i.e., adequate emptying, transport and treatment of sludge in the state. Consequently, the Bauchi state environmental protection agency (BASEPA), in collaboration with the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency (RUWASSA) and UNICEF have initiated the development of an FSM Strategy and Operative Guidelines with Protocols that will help guide the government on critical actions to develop and regulate the FSM value chain sector beyond household containment. To ensure that these documents are actionable, realistic and sustainable, an assessment of SMS beyond containment is needed to provide up-to-date statistics on the on the status of the fecal sludge management system and data for monitoring the progress of implementing FSM policies, strategies and protocols in sanitation in the state. In addition to this, there is need for continuous, routine mapping of SMS services beyond containment, requiring updates and modifications to existing state-level monitoring and reporting tools, including the WASHIIMS and those utilized by the Ministry of Environment.


With UNICEF’s support, the government launched the wash NORM exercise in 2018 to track and produce comprehensive, reliable and iterative WASH statistics on a bi-annual basis with the aim of supporting evidence-based decision making and action. The annual WASH NORM exercise is being used as a routine tool to assess if the country is making progress or not in meeting the SDGs and other national commitments. The country has carried out three iterations of the exercise which was associated with various improvements to the system, including the integration of (1) National level water quality assessment module which has enabled water quality data to be available for better targeting or resources, decision making and planning, (2) the WASH Account module for WASH financial tracking and reporting, and (3) Urban Water Utilities Mapping which has provided expanded data for WASH services towards achievement of SDG 6.1. Despite this, the available information about fecal sludge emptying, transportation, disposal and reuse off-site is very limited within the WASH NORM. Lessons from the previous NORM exercises have shown that Nigeria has ample leadership, ownership and capacities required to expand the NORM further to include appropriate indicators and modules for carrying out national SMS assessments towards the SDG 6.2. Thus, this ToR proposes the integration of comprehensive SMS assessments, including FSM services beyond containment, based on lessons and evidence from Bauchi state. This will help further grow the stock of WASH data and information available in the sector for advocacy, resource allocation, and decision making towards achieving SDG 6.2

Purpose of Activity/Assignment:

The overall goal of this assignment is to strengthen and expand the WASH sector’s existing monitoring and evaluation system for sanitation services and support the FMWRS and other relevant ministries to own, use and take over the management of the WASH data. This forms as an integral part of the Government’s

efforts to improve access to sustainable sanitation in line with the country’s sanitation Policy (draft) and SDGs 6.2. Specifically, this assignment is designed to ensure proper tracking of the entire sanitation service chain across all platforms and enhance existing monitoring platforms thereby achieving the following objectives:

  • Monitor service coverage, quality, adequacy, equity, functionality and sustainability of sanitation services across the entire service chain to ensure safe management of human waste.
  • Expose gaps, needs and risks for FSM for increased political and household attention. This includes identifying high risk areas, facility types and services with unsafe management of faecal sludge.
  • Provide basis for evidence-based advocacy to increase safe, sustainable and inclusive sanitation for all, including vulnerable and marginalized groups.
  • Provide opportunity for better and more inclusive state and national level sanitation planning, design of institutional and regulatory frameworks for SMS, and targeting of sector investments.
  • Provide data that supports the business analysis, market structure and sanitation economy of fecal sludge management.
  • Close the gaps in WASH sector data management and strengthen government capacity at all levels to institute systematic monitoring and tracking of WASH results and outcomes through the WASHIMS and WASH NORM

Key responsibilities:

Based on the above, the following are the key assignments of the consultancy:

1. Develop an Inception Report detailing the approach to the assignment and associated timelines for completion, in consultation with the supervisor and other government authorities.

2. Establish a comprehensive baseline for SMS Services in Bauchi: This assignment is intended to map the situation of the sanitation value chain in Bauchi state, beyond the scope of the WASH NORM and WASHIMS. It will include carrying out a state sample survey, identifying stakeholders, technologies, and processes involved and will cover all the LGAs in Bauchi. It will broadly focus on four distinct layers:

 a. Assessment of on-site and off-site sanitation status and hardware to determine coverage levels and equity in access to services, including by different income groups.

 b. Assessment of service delivery models to determine safe coverage and waste safely managed across the sanitation service chain.

c. Assessment of costs and expenditure tracking to determine coverage by Income Groups & Hardware, government, and household/Private Expenditure tracking.

d. Development and deployment of a diagnostic tool for detailed assessment of the policy, legal and institutional frameworks for the FSM chain. The data will assess the status of the enabling environment and will primarily be used to inform the sector-wide sustainability checks (SWSC).

Data collection methods may include household questionnaires, household sanitary inspections, assessment of administrative and regulatory data, service provider and local government surveys, service chain spot checks/inspections. Data from different line ministries, departments and agencies, as well as from households and private sector will need to be collated and analyzed. Data presentation will need to include well-designed dashboards with summary textual, tabular and graphical data, and search tools. This assignment will require that a comprehensive report on Bauchi SMS Assessment for application at the national level is provided.

 3. Develop and deploy a mechanism for capturing expanded sanitation indicators to routinely track SMS at the National, state and LGA level through the WASH NORM, WASHIMS, SWSC and other monitoring tools utilized by the Ministry of Environment.

This will include:

 a. Gap Analysis: Perform a gap analysis to identify deficiencies in the current monitoring systems, such as data collection gaps, lack of integration among platforms, or inadequacies in data quality and reliability. This will also include assessment of technology and tools currently used for monitoring the sanitation service chain, including hardware, software, and data management practices.

 b. Based on the gap analysis provide recommendations for the development or enhancement of SMS monitoring platforms and propose solutions for the integration of various monitoring tools across different sectors and platforms to enable a seamless flow of information across the entire sanitation service chain. This could include the integration of new technologies, development of mobile applications for data collection, the creation of centralized databases, and development of standards and protocols for data collection, processing, and reporting to ensure consistency, reliability, and comparability across different regions and platforms.

 c. Based on the gap analysis provide recommendations and modalities for integration of the process into WASHIMS, WASH NORM and SWSC, including, but not limited to, indicators, methodologies (including collection, processing, visualizing, reporting and storing of pertinent WASH data/information), estimated costing per state and other resources needed to integrate expanded SMS indicators into national monitoring platforms. Consensus must be built among relevant stakeholders at the national and state level on recommendations provided.

 4. Facilitate the WASH NORM IV, SWSC, and WASHIMS exercise with SMS Expanded Assessments

a. Review and update the WASH NORM survey indicators, tools, methodologies and roles and responsibilities for collecting, aggregating, processing, visualizing, reporting and hosting sanitation data to appropriately integrate expanded SMS indicators and data management processes.

b. Provide technical support and training to government partners in the implementation of NORM IV, including sampling, pre-test, pilot test and main survey fieldwork, data management, reporting.

c. Successfully carry out the pre-test and pilot test for the NORM IV, ensuring proper integration of expanded SMS assessments

d. Update SWSC scope, design, methodology and framework of analysis with expanded SMS data integrated.

 e. Review and optimize WASHIMS database for data collection, management, integration and attribution of expanded SMS data and other relevant indicators on the WASHIMS platform.

5. Produce a consultancy report which will also be used for sharing information on project activities, results, pictures, and lessons learned with a wide variety of audiences from beneficiaries to high level decision makers.

 The assignment will require trip to Bauchi state for assessments, field visits and consultations. Throughout the assignment, the National Consultant is expected to:

  • Keep continuous contact and engage with UNICEF staff at the national and state level
  • Identify and engage with key stakeholders throughout the project to ensure buy-in, collaboration, and sustainability.
  • Maintain communication and good working relations with stakeholders, serving as a liaison and facilitating consultations between the UNICEF staff and stakeholders.
  • Organize briefings with the UNICEF WASH Staff in Bauchi Field Office and the National Country Office to provide status updates and reports.
  • Consultant will be required to have and utilize their own IT and Communications equipment.


  1. Inception meeting with UNICEF and government partners from the Ministries of Water Resources & Sanitation, Environment, National Bureau of Statistics, and other stakeholders

Deliverables/ Outputs: Final inception report and detailed work plan with a clear strategy for completing tasks and milestones of key deliverables.

  1. Establish a comprehensive baseline for the FSM System in Bauchi

Deliverables/ Outputs:

  • Preliminary design and methodology of SMS Assessment in Bauchi state developed.
  • State-wide SMS assessment conducted.
  • Detailed and summary report of the results of the Bauchi state SMS assessment with, data visualization, technical processes and methodologies.
  • Stakeholder workshop to present and validate the Bauchi state SMS Assessment data conducted.
  1. Develop and deploy, a mechanism for capturing improved and expanded sanitation indicators to routinely track SMS at the National, state and LGA level through the WASH NORM, WASHIMS and other monitoring tools utilized by the Ministry of Environment.      

 Deliverables/ Outputs:

  • Gap analysis on Monitoring Framework for SMS in Bauchi carried out with report developed.
  • Stakeholder consultation workshop to present gap analysis and develop recommends/solutions to enhance SMS monitoring platforms in Bauchi state conducted.
  • Recommendations and proposed solutions for the development or enhancement of SMS monitoring platforms in Bauchi submitted.
  • Recommendations and modalities are provided for integrating expanded SMS monitoring into three frameworks – WASHIMS, WASH NORM and SWSC submitted.

4. Provide statistical and technical support to government partners to facilitate the WASH NORM IV, SWSC and WASHIMS exercise.

Deliverables/ Outputs:

  • Six training exercises on pre-test, pilot test and main survey of NORM IV implementation, including for expanded SMS assessments, carried out with orientation modules submitted.
  • Sampling, pre-test, pilot test and main survey of NORM IV, with proper integration of expanded SMS assessments, carried out.
  • SWSC scope, design, methodology and framework of analysis updated with expanded SMS data integrated.
  • WASHIMS database reviewed and optimized for data collection, management, integration, and attribution of expanded SMS data on the WASHIMS platform.

5. Finalize and submit the overall consultancy report with all methodologies, processes, assessments, reports of results.

Deliverables/ Outputs:

  • Consultancy report and all documents submitted.


To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have…


Advanced degree in Statistics, WASH-related Engineering, Development Studies, Public Health, Public Administration, and any other related field. This level of education ensures a deep understanding of the technical and environmental aspects of sanitation systems. Certifications or trainings in GIS, data analysis, survey design, statistical software is an added advantage.


The Consultant shall have a minimum of 8 years’ experience in national and sub-national work in the WASH sector with an understanding of the entire sanitation service chain. Other required experiences, knowledge and expertise include:

  • Experience with M&E frameworks, including setting indicators, data collection, and analysis to assess the effectiveness of WASH interventions.
  • Expertise in designing and conducting national surveys, including sampling methodologies, questionnaire design and data analysis.
  • Strong background in qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, including survey design, sampling techniques and data validation.
  • Expertise in geographic mapping, spatial analysis and the use of GIS software and other mapping tools for data visualization and analysis
  • Ability to analyze, interpret and present data in user-friendly formats.
  • Proficiency in statistical software (e.g. SPSS, Stata, etc.), database management and relevant analytical tool.

Language Requirements:

Fluency in English (verbal and written) is required. Fluency in any Nigerian language is an asset, and an added advantage.


For every Child, you demonstrate… 

UNICEF’s values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust, Accountability, and Sustainability (CRITAS). 

To view our competency framework, please visit here. 

UNICEF is here to serve the world’s most disadvantaged children and our global workforce must reflect the diversity of those children. The UNICEF family is committed to include everyone, irrespective of their race/ethnicity, age, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, socio-economic background, or any other personal characteristic.

UNICEF offers reasonable accommodation for consultants/individual contractors with disabilities. This may include, for example, accessible software, travel assistance for missions or personal attendants. We encourage you to disclose your disability during your application in case you need reasonable accommodation during the selection process and afterwards in your assignment. 

UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. UNICEF also adheres to strict child safeguarding principles. All selected candidates will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles and will therefore undergo rigorous reference and background checks. Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check. 


Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process. 

Individuals engaged under a consultancy or individual contract will not be considered “staff members” under the Staff Regulations and Rules of the United Nations and UNICEF’s policies and procedures and will not be entitled to benefits provided therein (such as leave entitlements and medical insurance coverage). Their conditions of service will be governed by their contract and the General Conditions of Contracts for the Services of Consultants and Individual Contractors. Consultants and individual contractors are responsible for determining their tax liabilities and for the payment of any taxes and/or duties in accordance with local or other applicable laws. 

The selected candidate is solely responsible for ensuring that the visa (applicable) and health insurance required to perform the duties of the contract are valid for the entire period of the contract. Selected candidates are subject to confirmation of fully vaccinated status against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) with a World Health Organization (WHO)-endorsed vaccine, which must be met prior to taking up the assignment. It does not apply to consultants who will work remotely and are not expected to work on or visit UNICEF premises, programme delivery locations or directly interact with communities UNICEF works with, nor to travel to perform functions for UNICEF for the duration of their consultancy contracts. 

Please submit your all-inclusive financial and technical proposal along with the application. Application without these will not be entertained. 




Advertised: 16 Apr 2024 W. Central Africa Standard Time
Deadline: 01 May 2024 W. Central Africa Standard Time

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