Single Audit for the Fiscal Year Ending December
31, 2024 In Accordance with U.S. Department of
State Requirements.
To: Prospective Bidders
RFP Reference Number: RFP-241024
RFP Issue Date: 24/10/2024
RFP Closing Date: 04/11/2024
RFP Closing Time: 12PM GMT+3
Solicitation POC Email: Roueid@magentaconsulting.orgBusiness Centre
Al Shmookh Building
UAQ Free Trade Zone
Umm Al Quwain
United Arab Emirates
1. Purpose of the Procurement
MAGENTA FZE (“MAGENTA” or “we” or “us”) is a commercial, for-profit entity with a mission
to create a world where people are empowered to make the best choices for a safe, healthy,
and prosperous life. As part of accomplishing its mission, MAGENTA delivers services to
certain governmental and not-for-profit organizations throughout the world. In connection with
its mission-driven work, MAGENTA applied for and subsequently received multiple federal
financial assistance awards from the United States Government (USG). For the year ending
December 31, 2024, MAGENTA expects to exceed $750,000 in federal expenditures.
Pursuant to the U.S. Department of State Standard Terms and Conditions for Federal Awards1
(“the Standard Terms”), foreign based organizations that exceed $750,000 in federal
expenditures must have a Single Audit conducted in accordance with the Standard Terms.
The Standard Terms are incorporated by reference into MAGENTA’s grant agreements.
MAGENTA is seeking a qualified auditor to carry out either the complete Single Audit of
MAGENTA’s Fiscal Year 2024 financial statements and federal financial assistance awards in
accordance with the Standard Terms. The audit is required to be conducted in accordance
with Government Auditing Standards.
2. Eligibility to Respond and Receive an Award
To be eligible for consideration for an award resulting from this solicitation, respondents must pass all minimum
qualifications included within the “Instructions for Submitting Proposals” section.
3. Questions
All questions regarding this procurement shall be directed to the Solicitation Point of Contact (POC) in writing. See
the solicitation cover page for the POC’s name and contact information. MAGENTA will respond to questions via
an amendment to this solicitation document, if necessary. No pre-proposal conference is planned or anticipated.
4. Key Dates
The following table summarizes key dates within the proposal cycle. The dates may only be changed by the
MAGENTA via a written modification to the solicitation.
Task / Matter Target Date
Clarification Questions Deadline 31 October 2024
Proposal Submission Deadline 04 November 2024
Project Start Date 15 February 2025
Audit Report Issuance and Submission Deadline 15 April 2025
5. Contract
MAGENTA anticipates awarding a fixed fee contract for the full Single Audit (i.e., both the financial statement audit
and the audit of federal expenditures).
1 Version Effective October 21, 2020, accessible at: Centre
Al Shmookh Building
UAQ Free Trade Zone
Umm Al Quwain
United Arab Emirates
MAGENTA reserves the right to, at its sole discretion, to cancel the procurement, reject all bids or proposals, and/or
to issue no contracts or awards as a result of this process.
6. Option Periods
At MAGENTA’s sole discretion, the agreement
1. Scope of Work to Be Performed
a. To meet the requirements of this solicitation, the audit shall be performed in accordance with Government
Auditing Standards and the United States Department of State Standard Terms and Conditions.
b. Entrance Conference. Within seven (7) days of a contract with the successful audit firm being fully
executed, the audit firm shall schedule and lead an entrance conference to discuss the audit scope,
timing of procedures, applicable milestone dates, specify by name all audit team members, identify and
communicate the final list of deliverables as per the audit firm’s review of applicable audit guidance and
requirements, and communicate an initial list of documents needed from MAGENTA.
c. The audit scope will include:
• Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA)
▪ The audit firm must obtain and test the SEFA and the accompanying notes.
▪ Determine whether the SEFA is stated fairly, in all material respects, in relation to
MAGENTA’s financial statements as a whole.
• Internal Control
▪ The audit firm should obtain an understanding of MAGENTA and its control
environment, including its internal controls over financial reporting and internal control
over compliance with award terms and conditions.
▪ Report any material weaknesses or significant deficiencies in internal control.
• Compliance
▪ The audit firm must identify the applicable compliance requirements.
▪ Conduct tests to determine if MAGENTA complied, in all material respects, with
applicable compliance requirements.
▪ Report on instances of material non-compliance.
▪ Identify and report any identified instances of fraud, waste, or abuse.
• Follow-up on Prior Findings and Recommendations
▪ Obtain the Summary Schedule of Prior Findings
▪ Review prior audit reports and recommendations, if and as applicable.
▪ Assess which items require follow-up due to their potential impact on financial data
significant to the audit objectives.
▪ Evaluate whether appropriate corrective action was taken in response to previous
findings and recommendations.
d. The audit firm shall issue an audit report consisting of the items, below, at minimum. It is the proposer’s
responsibility to identify any required revisions to the list below based on the proposer’s review of the
applicable audit requirements and guidance.Business Centre
Al Shmookh Building
UAQ Free Trade Zone
Umm Al Quwain
United Arab Emirates
• Independent auditor’s opinion(s) on the fair representation of the financial statements prepared
for the purpose of this audit engagement and on the schedule of federal assistance in
conformity with the applicable accounting standards (IFRS).
• Auditor’s report on compliance with laws, regulations, and award terms and conditions.
• A schedule of findings and questioned costs.
• A report on the auditor’s internal controls finding and recommendations to resolve/eliminate the
internal control weaknesses noted.
• Any significant deficiencies and material weaknesses discovered shall be included in the
report(s) on internal control.
• Any deficiencies shall be discussed with the MAGENTA team orally or otherwise included
within a management letter.
• Follow up on prior audit findings as applicable.
• Reporting can be provided in electronic format.
e. Management Letter: Should the audit firm deem it necessary or applicable audit guidelines, rules, and
regulations require it, the audit firm shall issue a management letter to MAGENTA’s leadership.
f. Working papers should be retained by the audit firm for a minimum three years and make them available
for examination by authorised representatives of the awarding agency, any Federal oversight agency and
g. An exit conference will be required consisting of key members of the audit team for both MAGENTA and
the audit firm. The exit conference can be held remotely.
The audit firm shall also be responsible for assisting MAGENTA with completion of the Data Collection Form, if
required, and submission of the final reporting package to the applicable, appropriate parties.
2. Details of Federal Awards
a. Summary of 2024 actual Federal expenditures as of 9/30/2024 and projected
expenditures as of 12/31/2024
Award No. Project Title Assistance
Listing No.
of 9/30
The Tunisia civil
society Activity
197,689.50 USD 346,269.50 USDBusiness Centre
Al Shmookh Building
UAQ Free Trade Zone
Umm Al Quwain
United Arab Emirates
SAQMIP23GR0288 DRL Mexico –
Gender Based
19.345 432,194.70 USD 748,541.7 USD
SAQMIP22GR0362 DRL Iraq –
Gender Based
19.345 325,032.45 USD Grant ended
SNEAAC22GR0054 US NEA – Strat
Comms support
19.600 259,657.60 USD 305,897.60 USD
b. Additional relevant information (i.e., funding agency, location of records, and budget-to-actual)
How to apply
7. Instructions for Submitting Proposals
Within this section, we have included proposal submission requirements, including proposal structure, page
number limitations, formatting, and other matters. Note: unless otherwise indicated, the items listed in this
section are mandatory. Failure to comply may be considered non-responsive to the submission
requirements and may result in the respondent’s disqualification.
a. Submittal
a. Proposals must be submitted in Portable Document Format (PDF) via email to No hard copy submissions will be accepted.
b. The subject line of the email should state “[Your Company Name] – FY2024
Single Audit”.
c. Proposals must be received by MAGENTA by no later than 12PM GMT+3 on Monday 04
November 2024. Any proposal received after this deadline will be disqualified. MAGENTA
may extend the deadline by notifying all prospective bidders in writing. The extension of
the deadline may accompany a modification of the bid documents.
b. Formatting
a. All proposals should be double-spaced in Arial size 12 font and may not exceed 25 pages.
b. Resumes or curriculum vitae (CVs) do not count toward the page limit; however, each
resume may not exceed two (2) pages.
c. The Transmittal Letter, tables, charts, graphs, and appendices do not count toward the page
d. Standard 8.5 x 11 inch size pages shall be used.
8. Proposal Structure – Proposal submissions must take the following structure:
a. Transmittal Letter signed by an individual authorized to sign contracts on behalf of the
responding firm and authorized to legally and administratively commit the organization’s
resources. The transmittal letter must:
i. Not exceed three pages;
ii. Indicate the proposal is valid for at least 60 calendar days;
iii. Include a statement acknowledging this solicitation document and the Respondent’s
proposal are considered a part of any resulting contractual agreement; andBusiness Centre
Al Shmookh Building
UAQ Free Trade Zone
Umm Al Quwain
United Arab Emirates
iv. Include a statement confirming the individual submitting the proposal is authorized to
commit his or her firm’s resources for the engagement and is authorized to enter into
legally binding contracts on the firm’s behalf.
b. Table of Contents – The Table of Contents should include hyperlinks to each major section of
the proposal.
c. Bidder Information
Each proposal must contain a bidder information page that identifies the RFP number and subject and provides at
the minimum the following information:
Full Company Name *
Trading name (if different from
registered company name)
Registered company address
Website address
* As per company registration document.
Contact name and title
Registration type
Registration date
Registration number
Trade license number
d. Firm Profile – Each respondent must address all of the items, below, within their response.Business Centre
Al Shmookh Building
UAQ Free Trade Zone
Umm Al Quwain
United Arab Emirates
▪ A description of the audit firm and its service lines (e.g., audit and attestation, risk
management, management consulting, international taxation, etc.)
▪ Size
▪ Geographical location(s) of offices/teams
▪ Management structure
▪ Number of professional staff by level
▪ Experience with the Uniform Guidance, Federal Acquisition Regulation, and awards
funded by DOS
▪ Experience performing Single Audits and other engagements under GAGAS
E. Minimum Qualifications – Each organization must meet the following minimum qualifications.
▪ Properly licensed to practice public accounting as a CPA firm or international equivalent
▪ Independent of MAGENTA FZE
▪ Have no undisclosed real, apparent, or perceived conflicts of interest with respect to
MAGENTA FZE and within the context of the Scope of Work. Should the respondent be
aware of such potential conflicts of interest, the respondent acknowledges and agrees that
it has made or will cause to be made a disclosure of each such instance.
▪ Is not suspended, debarred, or proposed for debarment by the United States Government.
▪ Has not been subject to any professional disciplinary action during the last three years. If
the respondent has been subject to such disciplinary action, details of such information
should be declared. This may be provided under separate cover and declared proprietary,
if desired.
▪ Has prior experience auditing organizations following International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS).
▪ Designated signing partner has prior experience auditing international, non-U.S. based
entities receiving federal financial assistance.
F. Audit Approach – Describe the firm’s approach to executing the Statement of Work (see Appendix A),
including the following key specifications:
▪ Specify audit approach for the financial statement and federal expenditure audit
▪ Understanding of the audit requirements and specifying the required financial statement(s)
and reports that must be issued under DOS and GAGAS requirements.
▪ An audit work plan communicating the phases of the audit and specific steps/tasks that
will be taken to complete the audit timely.
▪ Discussion of how technology will be utilized to provide for both audit efficiency and to
safeguard sensitive information and personally identifiable information.
▪ Audit timeline, including milestone dates and allow two weeks prior to report signing to
present draft reports and results to management.Business Centre
Al Shmookh Building
UAQ Free Trade Zone
Umm Al Quwain
United Arab Emirates
▪ Description of all proposed audit team members, including but not limited to:
1. An estimate of time each team member will devote to the audit;
2. Certifications held by each team member;
3. Prior experience conducting Single Audits AND working with non-U.S. Based
4. Level within the firm;
5. Years of total experience, including separate identification of years of audit
experience; and
6. Identify individuals who are key personnel and, therefore, may not be substituted
without MAGENTA’s approval. The signing partner, senior manager, and senior
auditor are the minimum required key personnel.
▪ Assume the audit will be conducted remotely. Documentation is held electronically, and
MAGENTA will participate in video conferences via Microsoft Teams, Zoom or an
equivalent platform.
▪ Description of the Quality Assurance / Quality Control process that will be utilized during
the audit engagement.
▪ Specify the process for resolving any disagreements.
G. Subcontractors
▪ For any subcontractors the firm plans to utilize, include a description of the firm, its assigned
personnel, relevant experience, company headquarters location, office location of assigned
personnel, and percentage of the total fee allocated to the subcontractor.
▪ Describe the process the respondent will use to supervise the subcontractor’s performance
and ensure quality.
▪ Consistent with the provisions of 2 CFR Part 200.321, MAGENTA is committed to furthering
opportunities for small, woman-owned, veteran-owned and minority-owned businesses.
Therefore, a goal of 10 percent participation (i.e., 10 percent of the contract value set-
aside) has been established for this procurement. Respondents shall take affirmative
steps to include a small, woman-owned, veteran-owned or minority-owned business
certified by the United States Government or a State Government on its team.
e. Past Performance – Each respondent must provide the following information regarding three
financial audit engagements completed under GAGAS within the past 24 months:
i. Client Name
ii. Engagement Scope
iii. Fee Amount
iv. Name, Email Address, and Title of the client point of contact
v. Applicability/relevance to current requested audit
f. Pricing – Each respondent shall provide a firm fixed price quote for the conduct of the audit.
The following information must be provided. In addition, each respondent should propose a
milestone-based payment structure.Business Centre
Al Shmookh Building
UAQ Free Trade Zone
Umm Al Quwain
United Arab Emirates
i. Separate estimates for the financial statement audit and Federal compliance and
internal control audit;
ii. Hours and rates per staff level;
iii. Total fees;
iv. Include $5,000 for travel to be used if needed and only if pre-approved; and
v. Assumptions supporting pricing.
7. Evaluation Approach: An Evaluation Committee will conduct scoring using the following rubric.
Separate evaluations will be completed for the financial statement and federal expenditure audits.
Criterion Scoring Comments
Satisfy minimum requirements Pass/Fail Eliminated if Fail
MBE/WBE/SBE Inclusion 10 Scores are 0 or 10
Firm Experience and Capabilities 10
Proposed Staffing 35
Past Performance 15
Audit Approach (including
technological approach)
Pricing will not be scored, but rather will be assessed for reasonableness.
8. Award of Contract and Audit Timeline
a. MAGENTA anticipates, but is not required to, issue an award to the successful bidder.
MAGENTA anticipates issuing a fixed-price agreement with payment subject to successful
completion of audit services. The agreement will be in USD.
b. The audit timeline will be negotiated with the selected audit firm; however, the audit completion
date must occur prior to the earliest applicable filing deadline.
9. Contract
a. A draft contract is included as Appendix B to this solicitation.
b. Respondents must provide any exceptions to the draft contract with their proposal submission.
Failure to provide exceptions denotes the respondent’s acceptance of the draft contract as-
written and no edits will be permitted at the time of award, if applicable.
c. An engagement letter prepared in accordance with the applicable auditing standards will
accompany the contract, which shall also include this solicitation and the respondent’s proposal as
formal components thereof.
Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to receiving your proposal.