The National consultancy firm will undertake the tasks outlined below with the objective of developing IWRM plans for the targeted districts.
Task 1 Assess the current hydrological monitoring network in Xe Bang Fai and Xe Don catchments and provide recommendations for operationalization of network upgrades.
With guidance from the Department of Water Resources, and other relevant government stakeholder, the National consultancy firm will undertake an assessment of the current hydrological monitoring network focussing mainly on the four project targeted districts in the Khammouane and Champassak provinces and make recommendations to update and improve network efficiencies. Based on the outcomes of the assessment and consultations with Government partners the recommendations should include proposed measures for implementing network upgrades, technical specifications as appropriate and estimated budgets. The review and its recommendations shall be presented in a brief technical report to be drafted in English and Lao, for review and comments prior to finalization.
Task 2 Assess the current Early Warning Systems and emergency procedures for the targeted districts and community level.
With guidance from the Department of Water Resources and Department of Disaster Management and Climate Change, the National consultancy firm will undertake a review of the Early Warning System (EWS) and emergency procedures for the at-risk communities in the four project districts. The assessment should be undertaken with the aim of:
– Reviewing the disaster risk and emergency preparedness at the district level and at-risk areas identified by the climate risk mapping.
– Assessing gaps at the Institutional level in terms of policy measures, procedures and protocols, Institutional capacity, infrastructure
– Assessing gaps at the community level in terms of awareness, usage, monitoring capability, and infrastructural needs for effective uptake of disseminated information.
– Providing a set of recommendations to update and/or improve efficiencies focussing on interventions at the district and community level in the project target areas.
Task 3 Conduct a district-level risk assessment of the four targeted districts within Xe Bang Fai and Xe Don catchments.
The National consultancy firm is expected to conduct a preliminary district-level assessments of the four targeted districts in Xe Bang Fai and Xe Don river catchments to evaluate water related risks posed to populations and ecosystems by floods and droughts, projected impacts of climate change, socio-economic factors as well as adequacy of existing plans and strategies. To conduct this assessment the consultant team is expected to build primarily on available secondary information at the district level as well as use existing project generated information to identify risks and prioritise intervention zones within the districts based on their vulnerability. Where feasible and/or necessary, in consultation with the project team, the consultant may also require to conduct primary research. The assessment is expected to evaluate the following indicative aspects of vulnerability
– Flood and drought risks: Under output the project has conducted a flood propagation model as well as impact-based forecasts to illustrate the projected level of impact and likelihood of occurrence for hydro-meteorological disasters in targeted areas. Using these studies as a guide, the consultant will the develop climate-change induced flood and drought risk maps for the targeted areas.
– Projected impacts of climate change to evaluate hazard prone areas, and impacts on prominent sectors within the district such as water resources, agriculture, fisheries and livestock, environment, health and other relevant sectors.
– Socio-economic factors: evaluate vulnerabilities of populations in the targeted districts based on demographic, economic and social dimensions.
– District level provisions, plans and strategies: Review existing plans and strategies to manage risks at the district level in relation to climate change and water resource management.
Task 4: Draft Climate-resilient Integrated Water Resource Management Plans for each of the four targeted districts.
Building on results of tasks 1 to 3 and in close consultation and support from the project, the National consultancy firm is to lead the drafting of IWRM plans for each of the four targeted districts (Thakhek and Nongbok in Khammuane province; Sanasomboun and Pakse in Champasak province). The IWRM plans should include recommendations for undertaking set of structural and non-structural interventions in the targeted intervention areas. The development of the IWRM plan should also take into consideration potential short, medium and long-term options for structural and non-structural measures that can be implemented as part of the IWRM plans in the identified priority areas including suggested estimated costs. Indicative options to consider for structural and non-structural measures are as outlined below
– Structural measures that may focus on flood protection and defence infrastructure, or drought management, water conveyance and storage facilities or other infrastructure. For urban areas, based on their potential, other components may include concepts such as Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS), Runoff Best Management Practices (BMP), Low-Impact Development (LID), Water-Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD), and Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM).
– Non-structural measures may include conservation and restoration in watershed areas and/or green infrastructure to enhance ecosystem resilience. In urban areas, recommendations may focus on introduction of green infrastructure to support Nature Based Solution (NBS) through integration of green and blue spaces in urban areas, sustaining water resources together with maintenance of biodiversity and ecological functions. This includes the context of urban water management and mitigation of urban floods, similar concepts and solutions based on elements of green infrastructure.
In consultation with the project team and the Department of water resources, the National consultancy firm shall require to develop a detailed work plan for the assignment. An inception workshop will be organized for relevant government stakeholders to present the methodology and discuss the workplan to conduct the assignment.
Dissemination of results
The National consultancy firm is expected to undertake extensive stakeholder consultations to ensure proper dissemination of results from the assignment. The dissemination of results from this consultancy will be in the form of brief technical reports, District-level IWRM plans, Consultation/dissemination workshops and other knowledge products, to be drafted in English and Lao. The consultation/dissemination workshops will be scheduled at the completion of major project outputs, to be determined in consultation with the Project. Tentatively the Consultant is expected to undertake the following stakeholder consultations during this assignment:
1. Inception Workshop at the national level with relevant stake holders to discuss proposed approach, methodology and work plan
2. Field Mission(s): The number of field missions are to be determined in consultation with the project management unit. Tentatively
a. Mission 1: Preliminary Consultations and site investigations to support all tasks in Khammuane and Champassack province.
b. Mission 2: Present, confirm findings from Field Mission 1, conduct additional consultation to expand IWRM actions identified and priorities in Khammuane and Champassack province.
c. Mission 3: Workshop to present and validate district level plans developed by the project in Khammuane and Champassack province.
d. Mission 4: Final dissemination workshop to present final outcomes of the assignment to relevant stakeholders in Vientiane.
3. The National consultancy firm is expected to cover costs of the consultancy team participating and presenting at the respective missions and workshops, with the Project covering all other related costs.
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