Result of Service
2. Purpose of the assignment: The objective of the assignment is to provide graphic designer services to support the implementation of the UNODC ROSEAP Regional Programme, Sub-Component 1 on TOC and Sub-Component 2 on Anti-Corruption and the Global Anti-Corruption Programme. The successful Individual Contractor will deliver on the following: visual identity; knowledge products and project reports/ webinars/ trainings; knowledge products and Project reports/ webinars/ trainings; and communications campaign/ products. The Individual Contractor will be required to liaise closely with the UNODC Anti-Corruption Team Lead and Regional Coordinator on TIP and SOM in carrying out the tasks. The assignment is home-based with remote online communication in lieu of the travel missions. 3. Specific tasks to be performed by the Individual Contractor: Under the direct supervision of the UNODC Anti-Corruption Advisers for the Pacific and Southeast Asia, the Individual Contractor will be responsible for the following key tasks: Visual Identity: To continue to develop the visual identity of UNODC projects under the UNODC ROSEAP Regional Programme, Sub-Component 1 on TOC and Subcomponent 2 on Anti-Corruption and the Global Anti-Corruption Programme and. This could include (but is not limited to): • Branding; • Posters/ banners; • Brochures/ pamphlets; • Publications including newsletters; • Event materials. Knowledge products and project reports/webinars/trainings: To ensure coherent, powerful, aesthetic and relevant branding of knowledge products/ reports/ webinars/ trainings for UNODC projects. This could include (but is not limited to): • Publication designs with a specific theme focus relevant to the topic/focus, infographics, selecting relevant images, etc; • Webinar/ training materials (e.g., agenda, background information) with a specific theme focus; • Accompanying media designs, including for social media (e.g., for twitter) for dissemination. Communications campaign/ products: In line with the visual identity and objectives of the UNODC projects, lead visual designs for campaigns and communications projects. This may include providing support to beneficiaries of UNODC projects to engage in specific anti-corruption/TOC communication campaigns/ deliver specific products. This includes but is not limited to: • Event themes (e.g., around annual International Anti-Corruption Day events, the Conference of States Parties to UNCAC); • Newsletter templates; • Media engagement (e.g., print media, social media visuals/ templates); • Possible animations/ interactive products.
Work Location
Home based – no travel
Expected duration
Duties and Responsibilities
1. Background of the assignment: Corruption and transnational organized crime remain a significant obstacle to development globally and throughout Southeast Asia and the Pacific (SEAP) region. Corruption is cross-cutting numerous illegal activities, from the process of harvesting and manufacturing illegal wood-based products, migrant smuggling and human trafficking to terrorism financing. Corruption of public officials is perceived as an enabler of serious and organized crimes that are undermining countries’ abilities to deliver in relation to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) provides a comprehensive framework to strengthen anti-corruption frameworks in the region. As all SEAP countries have ratified this universal and the only globally binding treaty, which includes the mechanism for the review of implementation of UNCAC (UNCAC Implementation Review Mechanism). States parties are all currently undergoing the second review cycle, which will, in the coming years, provide reports on their implementation of the Convention to a wider range of preventive measures and recovery of assets. Effective anti-corruption efforts require a whole-of-government and society approach, including different sectors and branches of the government, civil society groups and the private sector. Public engagement often makes a significant difference. Ongoing support to developing national and regional capacities to prevent and effectively address corruption remains an important priority for UNODC. UNODC works with Member States to enhance the capacities of their national anti-corruption bodies through the provision of technical assistance as well as the organization of training programmes. In addition, in order to facilitate the coordination of international anti-corruption efforts and peer-to-peer technical assistance, UNODC provides a framework for regional and bilateral support. Support is offered to: * Strengthen anti-corruption policies, legislation and strategies; * Strengthen institutional frameworks and capacities for control of corruption; * Development of regional anti-corruption forums, networks and institutions; * Enhanced capacity of the private sector, civil society groups, academia and the media to promote and implement anti-corruption strategies. UNODC’s ROSEAP Regional Programme, Sub-Component 2 on Anti-Corruption and Global Anti-Corruption Programme and Global Anti-Corruption Programme have been designed to provide a comprehensive technical assistance to UNCAC States Parties, offering the specialized expertise, knowledge tools and sharing of experience and good practice examples in preventing and fighting corruption, enhancing the international cooperation and recovery of assets. Activities are aimed at assisting national authorities, in public, private and civil sectors, and conducting training and workshops events at national, regional and international levels. UNODC’s anti-corruption efforts in the SEAP region focus on supporting countries to meet the requirements of UNCAC by providing technical assistance and facilitating regional exchanges to translate the provisions of the Convention into effective legal frameworks, policies and practices and to build national bodies of highly skilled anti-corruption practitioners that will allow States to be well-equipped to prevent and combat corruption. Trafficking in persons (TIP) and the smuggling of migrants (SOM) are also forms of transnational organized crime (TOC) affecting the Southeast Asia Pacific region. As the guardian of the Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea, and Air and the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children, which supplement the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, UNODC promotes global adherence to these instruments and assists States in their efforts to effectively implement them and combat the conduct that they criminalize. UNODC focuses, in particular, on assisting states in developing an effective criminal justice response to these crime challenges. To this end, UNODC is implementing a number of capacity building projects under UNODC’s ROSEAP Regional Programme Sub-Component 1 on TOC that aim to better equip authorities to prevent human trafficking and migrant smuggling, identify and protect the rights of trafficked victims and smuggled migrants, and dismantle the criminal networks profiting from these crimes.
Qualifications/special skills
High school diploma or equivalent is required. At least two years of international experience delivering high-quality graphic design services in English is required; Experience delivering designs for knowledge products, reports/ webinars/ trainings, and communication campaigns/ products, respecting corporate guidelines in South East Asia and the Pacific region is required; Experience in producing products for a wide audience in the Pacific and in Asia, including weaving in cultural designs (the audience of past products would ideally include youth and technical groups) is required. Strong theoretical and practical background in graphic design, including the use of design software’s is desirable. Experience delivering innovative products (e.g. animations, interactive products) for audiences in Asia and the Pacific is desirable. Clear and mature style of design, demonstrating an understanding of the communication requirements of the UN is desirable
English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For this position, fluency in English, with excellent drafting and communication skills, is required. Knowledge of another United Nations official language and any government-used language of the Pacific is an advantage.
Additional Information
Not available.
No Fee